Customer has baseline and other datasets defined with UACC(NONE) and have allowed the ZMF started task USERID to have update access. This allows users to be able to checkout and edit members within the ISPF and ZDD clients. Since ZMF4ECL uses XML Services to communicate with and transfer data to and from the client, access to the dataset is restricted and attempts to access data fails with 'AAA.BB.CCCC.DDDD' is a protected data set" messages.
6. Attach Certificates to RACF Key rings A key ring must be defined for the ZMF Server/Tomcat started task userid and the appropriate certificates connected to it.
A customer that uses CA-ACF2 was struggling to implement the recommendations to allow execution of jobs that connect to ZMF tasks via TCP/IP and which are running under protected userids . The details of this requirement can be seen in KB article S141013 at the following location:
You can define any suitable JESSPOOL profile that covers the started task output with a universal access of UPDATE. For example, the following would secure all of the output files produced by the started task user ID .
IMPORTANT! Do NOT save your mainframe logon credentials on a shared machine. Check Save Userid or Save Password only if you are the sole authorized user of your PC and access to the PC is password- protected .
IMPORTANT! Do NOT save your mainframe logon credentials on a shared machine. Check Save Userid or Save Password only if you are the sole authorized user of your PC and access to the PC is password- protected .
Later, when you install the TeamTrack for ChangeMan Solution, the TeamTrack for ChangeMan Solution tables and workflows are added to the TeamTrack installation. To install and configure TeamTrack, perform the following steps: 1. “Installing TeamTrack” on page 19 2. “Creating an Administrator ID for the TeamTrack for ChangeMan Solution” on page 20 3. “Using a Secure Web Server” on page 20 4. “Creating a User ID in TeamTrack for the ZMF Polling Service” on page 21 Installing TeamTrack
Services, such as SSL, add further protection for your user name and passwords. For information on setting up a secure Web server, consult the documentation for your Webserver. Creating a User ID in TeamTrack for the ZMF Polling Service