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CMS-XML Dim CM 14.x: EXT4700070E The request to Dimensions CM Pulse was not successful: Forbidden.
When selecting a Request in Desktop Client the following error is shown: EXT4700070E The request to Dimensions CM Pulse was not successful: Forbidden.
CMS-XML DimCM: Desktop Client: The request to Dimensions CM Pulse was not successful. SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK
When selecting a Request or a Review in the Desktop Client, an error occurs in the command line view of
CMS-XML DimCM 14.4.0 Patch 22a: Server Only: Request notification does not open request in web client
DEF323341: VM delta library initialized incorrectly DEF320546: Desktop Client Reviews: EXT4700070E: The request to Dimensions CM Pulse was not successful DEF314006: Users can inadvertently overwrite each other's request attachments when editing simultaneously
CMS-XML Dimensions 14.3.2: Error PRG4700058E when attempting to review change set graphs in pulse
When attempting to access changeset graphs in pulse when using SSL you will run into the error shown below, "PRG4700058E: The request to remote server was not successful ; SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK (51)" This will prevent you from reviewing change set graphs when you have SSL enabled on the server.
CMS-XML DIM14.1: Pulse: Review not being created/Jenkins Build is not being run
Project, create Project, deliver Request , action
CMS-XML KM-Dim14: Cannot create request with empty summary/acceptance criteria when request type maps this to a CM attribute
When creating a request from the Pulse client it can return an error if a mapped attribute does not have a value entered before saving, even if the attribute is not mandatory.
CMS-XML DimCM: Pulse: User cannot edit a Date attribute via Pulse
User is trying to edit a Date attribute of a request via Pulse . User is able to click the Calendar button next to the date attribute field, and click a date there. However, the attribute is not updated, it stays blank.
CMS-XML DIM10: Successful UC doesn't write any output to Desktop Client console
When adding an action description to a request and this operation fails you will not see any output in the Desktop Client's console.
CMS-XML KM-Dim14: Pulse Agile SM attributes mapped to valid sets do not use always the correct columns
Single-field multi attributes created in 14.3 Pulse Agile requests will all use the first column in the valid set instead of using the assigned columns.
CMS-XML Dim CM 12.2: User allowed to unrelate request even though he has no role on project
4) Logged in as FRED, try to relate request C to project B (which FRED has a role on). The operation will work, and the desktop console records a successful RWCD operation for the request to project B. There are no details of an XWCD command against project A recorded.
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Title: Dimensions CM: Deploying Emergency Fixes (demonstration)
This demonstration shows you how to deploy an emergency fix to a live production environment in Dimensions CM. You will learn how to promote requests to any stage in the Global Stage Lifecycle, promote and deploy in the same operation, and browse deployment areas.
Title: Dimensions CM: Scheduling Deployment (demonstration)
This demonstration shows you how to schedule a deployment in Dimensions CM. You will learn how to set a deployment sequence, schedule a deployment, and use the Queue tab in the Deployment view

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