SSM V 8.2 .3 system uses tsoid's. Customers can continue to use the same authorities with the 8.3.2 (converted) system. They can also keep their SITEADMINS spec in HPSPARMS if they wish - no changes needed. The system will continue to function much as it did in V8.2.3.
Security Server software that issues a RACROUTE RC=8 for a profile not found condition (e.g. CA-ACF2, CA-TSS), and RACF environments that have overridden the default return code for a 'profile not found' condition from 4 to 8, must define the subsystem profile names for all subsystems. If they do not the response will be incorrectly interpreted as users being denied access to the functions and they will not be allowed to access them.
This report lists every High-Level Language Exit (HLLX) recorded in the package master whether it is a valid exit or not. You must have an OMVS RACF segment defined to run this report. The code to run the report is delivered
A customer is reporting that in ZMF V 8.2 .03 a user who has update access to RACF resource CMN*RLSA and CMN*RLSM and only READ access to the application can successfully check in a package into an AREA via ZMF. However, the same user receives ZMF/Eclipse “CMNR1090A – Application access denied, contact local Admin” message when the same scenario is invoked from V8.2.03 Client Pack.