Development has completely re-engineered the editable grid report for the Work Center in SBM 11 which has solved these problems. Furthermore it is now built to run on HTML 5 instead of flash which allows for much better operation.
Alternatively, if you use Work Center, you can use a calendar view instead of a calendar report. The direct link for calendar views loads the full SBM Work Center interface and then displays the calendar view in a foreground pop-up window which you can simply close by clicking the 'X' at the top-right to reveal the full Work Center interface behind it.
Description Setup build in Dimensions 9.1.3.x. This will create build worksets for the different stages . 1. Create a workset directory in the initial workset.
After upgrade from SBM to SBM 11.1, work center search does not return any new items and gives "The search index is currently building ". (missing SSF_IDXTABLEINFO table)
• Built In Reports See all built -in reports for the selected application or application group. SBM provides a set of built-in reports that you can run for every application that you can access. The default set of built-in reports available to you depends on your product-access level.