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CMS-XML Copy transition copies the Submitter field, but the user who ran transition should be submitter of new item
Copy transition copies the Submitter field, but the user who ran transition should be submitter of new item
CMS-XML Item locks issue showing incorrect user performing transition
Issue when attempting to unlock an item by a user and then performing the transition. When performing the transition it reflects the user who had the item locked as being the user who transitioned the item .
CMS-XML SBM: Anonymous submit gives: The transition "Yes" was not completed. Sorry, this item is currently in use by another user
SBM: Anonymous submit gives: The transition "Yes" was not completed. Sorry, this item is currently in use by another user
CMS-XML How do I know which user has an item locked? Message to user is: The transition ... was not completed. Sorry, this item is currently in use by another user.
In order for the user, who is trying to transition a locked item, to know who has the lock you must tick the following box in the Application Administrator - Display locking user name to requesting user There is also a System Report listing for an Admininstrators to list record locks - System Report name is " Item Locks"
CMS-XML Using email responses user gets email "Failed to process email response" or gets a response with nothing in the body at all and the item doesn't transition.
Both of these issues can be caused by the Token on the reply email being expired or corrupted. If that is the case then the user would have to transition the item via the user interface manually.
CMS-XML Data Mappings for Multi User field in Run Transition Notification not possible
When trying to select a user from a multi user field in the Transition Data Mappings section the search for user values always returns nothing. Steps to reproduce: - go to web admin->notifications;
CMS-XML User is unable to view list of items in SourceBridge
Give the user Transition All Items privilege to allow them to view all items .
CMS-XML Dim10: Impossible to delegate an item from to another user
1. Have a user with a single role which is also associated with the first transition of some item type lifecycle (I used role ‘Developer’ which is assigned to Work -> Review transition of SRC item type lifecycle) 2. Have another user which have assignment to the same role but with ‘delegation candidate’ type of assignment
CMS-XML KM-Dim10: Reported Defect DEF110900: Issue Fixed in Dimensions 10.1.1: Cannot prevent users from creating items at the top design part
In Dimensions 10 if you try to create an item at the top part, and no user has the relevant role for the first transition , the item will be created but will not be pending for anyone. This is an example of the message you get:
CMS-XML KM-Dim10: Reported Defect DEF106556: Issue Fixed in Dimensions 10.1.1: Create Item - Warning: No users have been assigned a role to action this Item on
In order to create a new item , the user must hold the role on the initial lifecycle transition . At least this is the way it used to work with Dimensions 8.x
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Dimensions CM: Working with items, part 1 (demonstration)
This Dimensions CM demonstration shows you how to perform impact analysis to determine which files are affected by specific changes

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