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CMS-XML 10.x / 2009Rx / 12.x : is it mandatory/required to get PCMS_SYS schema password set to PCMS_SYS for installation or upgrade ?
10.x / 2009Rx / 12.x : is it mandatory/required to get PCMS_SYS schema password set to PCMS_SYS for installation or upgrade ?
CMS-XML Dim2009R2: 'Unable to connect to Oracle server' message during Dim install / upgrade on UNIX
When installing or upgrading Dimensions on UNIX / Linux the installer will prompt for Oracle system hostname, Oracle SID, Net8 Service name, SYSTEM and PCMS_SYS passwords and then may return the following message:
CMS-XML KM-Dim10: Product and User Details dissappeared after upgrade
Please run dmdba system/manager@instance and run upgrade all /force to ensure that all basedb's and pcms_sys were upgraded .
CMS-XML Dim12: DMDBA: dmdba upgrade of pcms_sys => Error: QLARIUS_CM is not a valid Dimensions database
When performing the DMDBA command of upgrade , the following can occur: +++ SYSTEM> upgrade PCMS_SYS
CMS-XML Error during DMDBA upgrade to 14.4 version on SQL Server
Running DMDBA upgrade from version 14.3.2 to 14.4, it returns the following error: C:\Users\dmsys>dmdba pcms_sys / pcms_sys @dim14 Dimensions CM DMDBA 14.4.0 Build 9.575 (Production) at 14:14:08 Friday 03 August 2018
CMS-XML KM-Dim9: How to clear out old net admin data from pcms_sys data after upgrades?
Any unused nodes can be removed from the system using the Admin Console. Removing information directly from the pcms_sys schema is not supported.
CMS-XML KM-Dim10: How to preserve network node, replication and other system-wide settings during upgrade
System-wide settings such as network nodes and replication settings are stored in PCMS_SYS schema. Therefore, when upgrading Dimensions, or just moving Dimensions data to a different Oracle database, user needs to make sure that PCMS_SYS schema is also moved to new database. If Dimensions data has been created in new database during install (for example, the QLARIUS sample basedb), then when moving actual production data to it, the PCMS_SYS schema should be dropped and imported from the current production server.
CMS-XML During Dimensions upgrade get error like "The operation failed because an index or statistics with name already exists..."
During a Dimensions CM Schema upgrade, may get an error similar to the following: Connected to PCMS_SYS (Microsoft SQL Server) Connected to dbo@dimprddb (Microsoft SQL Server)
CMS-XML KM-Dim10: Reported Defect DEF106115: Issue Fixed in Dimensions 10.1.1: Upgrade from Dimensions 8 doesn't update the PCMS_SYS schema correctly.
There is a problem in the upgrade _setup.sql script when upgrading from Dimensions 8.0.5 to Dimensions 10. We traced the problem to the following section in upgrade_setup.sql:
CMS-XML Dim10: When running the upgrade all command, an error of "ERROR: cannot determine Dimensions node" occurs
Verify that the pcms_sys tables exist. To do this, do the following:
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