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CMS-XML Moving attachments from DB to file system (or vice versa) does not delete the rows from TS_RESOURCES and TS_BLOBS
If attachments are held in the database and you move them to the file system, then the entries in TS_RESOURCES and TS_BLOBS are not removed. If your attachments are held in the file system and you move them to the database , they are NOTremoved from the file system. To reproduce:
CMS-XML Purging items from the archive does not remove TS_RESOURCES and TS_BLOBS entries for any attachments when stored in the database
(1) Make sure attachments are being stored in the database . Create an item and add some attachments. Check the size of TS_RESOURCES/TS_BLOBS and TS_ATTACHMENTS increases - this assumes you are sole user of the system
CMS-XML Application Engine database log contains "ORA-00904: "DBMS_CRYPTO"."HASH": invalid identifier" message
merge into TS_BLOBS b using (select bh.TS_ID blobid,rawtohex(DBMS_CRYPTO.hash( bh.TS_BLOB, 3)) h from TS_BLOBS bh join TS_RESOURCES r on r.TS_BLOBID=bh.TS_ID and bh. TS_BLOB is not null and bh.TS_HASH is null) r on (b.TS_ID=r.blobid)
PDF TeamTrack Database Schema
Rows are added whenever one or more of these variables mandate a resource object other than the default. TS_NAME, TS_TYPE, TS_USERID, TS_SOLUTIONID, and TS_BROWSERID columns comprise the unique key into the TS_RESOURCES table, the output of which is a unique key into the TS_BLOBS table. The logic that converts a resource key into a blobs key is, first, if a user- specific resource exists, then that overrides the decision.
CMS-XML Upgrade to SBM 11.0 and above with Oracle Database gives error- Error: ORA-00904: : invalid identifier
Full error as follows: Database Exception in ExecuteSQL for 'merge into TS_BLOBS b using (select b.TS_ID blobid,rawtohex(DBMS_CRYPTO.hash( b. TS_BLOB , 3)) h from TS_BLOBS b join TS_RESOURCES r on r.TS_BLOBID=b.TS_ID and b. TS_BLOB is not null) r on (b.TS_ID=r.blobid)
This section enumerates the tables in the AE database that are affected by deployment and promotion. ... It should be fairly clear from the sub-element names which database columns are targeted. ... TS_BLOBS See TS_RESOURCES , which parallels this table. ... TS_RESOURCES
This section enumerates the tables in the AE database that are affected by deployment and promotion. For each table, the location of the data in the blueprint or snapshot file that modifies it is described. The bulleted points identify the XML file(s) and path(s) where the data is sourced. In some cases this is the parent element that contains the column data. It should be fairly clear from the sub‐element names which database ... TS_BLOBS See TS_RESOURCES , which para ... TS_RESOURCES ... APPLICATION ENGINE UNRESOLVED REFERENCE DATABASE TABLES
PDF Microsoft Word - TeamTrackAPI.doc
The bUpdateBlob is used when TS_RESOURCES and TS_BLOBS already exist. If set to true the existing TS_BLOB record will be updated with the contents of the new file. The nResourceId is the value of the newly created or current TS_RESOURCE record. ... int ReadRecord( TSRecord* rec, int id, const std::vector< TSString >& fieldNames ) - As above, but returns only the schema fields and the specified (by database name) user-defined fields.
CMS-XML If you store attachments in the database, how do you know what blob it is?
The code looks at the ts_contents column in the ts_attachments table, matches that with the ts_name column in the ts_resources table, and then refers to the blobs table here via the ts_blobid column. Also, all file attachments will be ts_type = 4 in the ts_resources table.
CMS-XML What are the .tlx references in TS_RESOURSES and TS_BLOBS?
The records in TS_RESOURCES with a TS_NAME ending in .tlx are custom words added to the dictionary. This will reference a TS_BLOBS entry which contains the word.
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