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CMS-XML SBM/SSM localisation : Search result navigation links truncated
In Chrome and IE 11 the localised navigation links (i.e. Bavck to results, Next Item, Previous Item, ...) at the top of a displayed item (when opening it from a search result) can get truncated as they are longer as the English strings. Firefox does display the full string.
CMS-XML Navigation links on items not available when report is opened directly using the report URL
When a report is opened directly using the report URL (without going through SWC) the items opened from that report are missing the top navigation (i.e. Back to results, next, previous).
CMS-XML Navigation menu disappears in drill-down display trend report if you use a gridlist template
Many of the reports that have drill-down options will cause navigation to be lost if the top -level report is set to use a gridlist (or other non-standard) template.If this happens, then switch to a different (standard) template until the fix becomes available.
CMS-XML No navigation links are provided for Embedded Reports
On a regular report, when one clicks on one of the item result the item is displayed and there are navigation links on top (Back to Results/First Item/Previous Item/Next Item/Last Item) On and embedded report widget, when one clicks on one of the item result the item is displayed but there are no navigation links.
CMS-XML Dim9: WSAD Integration: Expected 'Connected to Serena' Indicator not Showing in WSAD Project Navigation Window
Go to the Serena Menu at the top of WSAD, and open the project from Serena source control. The open from source control will just overlay the project currently in the workspace.
CMS-XML SBM: 508 Fixes for moving application groups, icon size, navigation in Application bar, navigation in Submit tree
More details about the items included in this fix: When reordering the applications in the top toolbar, the "move dots" are not in the correct place, making it difficult to move the applications. "My Applications" dialog has icons which are too large.
CMS-XML Floating navigation tree: the last selected investment to stay visible.
3. Floating nagivation tree displays back to the top investment in the tree. If you scroll down, the last selected investment is highlighted. For usability, the last selected investment visible in the pane without having to use the scrollbar.
CMS-XML Tab key navigation through forms broken for rich text fields and multi-selection/relational fields
When attempting to tab through fields on a form, the expected behavior of advancing from one field to the next (or backwards by SHIFT + TAB) seems to be broken when trying to move beyond a rich text field. Instead, it seems to take you to the top of the form and starts over again with the first field or skips a number of fields.
CMS-XML Navigation pane disappears when pushing down the menu option.
You have to move the mouse to the bottom of the menu, so the menu will scroll to show more in the bottom. 3. This pushes up the Mariner display and navigation bar at the top will disappear. 4. User has to close IE to re-login.
CMS-XML Dim RM 12.1 - HTML text appearing in Traceability Navigation Tree instead of image
5. Create a Traceability report: a) set Component_Requirements as top -level class; b) in the Display Options tab set Text as Attributes to Display;
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