The Timezone environment variable for the Tomcat server is set to a null value by default in Unix installations of Mover. This may result in incorrect timestamps resulting from shifts in time that the server is unaware of, such as Daylight Savings.
By default, Collage uses Tomcat as its HTTP server and web application server. The Collage installation will prompt for the HTTP port to use. This document explains how to modify the HTTP port after the installation is completed.
As of VM, the Tomcat application engine running the Serena VM Web Application Server comes preconfigured with an SSL certificate on port 8443. While this port can be used for HTTPS access, the web browsers running the VM I-Net Web Clients will complain about the certificate because it was created for a different URL ("https://localhost") and is self-signed.
When using Tomcat clustering with all components installed on two servers using IIS to proxy Tomcat requests and an external load balancer, some of the are incorrectly set to worker1 instead of worker-local. Specifically the following are not be set worker-local when they should be (all the mappings in this file should be worker-local for this configuration):
(1) You will need to go through the Tomcat directory and search for files with in the name. Then for each of them check for the following lines and amend as needed (note - they may not all contain all of the below).