When a user belongs to multiple groups which are subscribed to a mail event with digest turned on, the email is digested but the details of the same email are sent multiple times within the email for each group that the user belongs to.
- define a few users with names containing a comma (such as "Admin, Bill") - add a multi user field to a state form and add the users created above to the roles enabled to this multi user field - submit a new item and populate the multi user field with the users containing the comma
The notification server in SBM 10.1 and newer may not send email notifications and get the below error if there is more than one TS_LANGUAGES table records for a particular language (such as US_ENGLISH) and a $STRING() tag is used in the email template. ERROR 15-04-2012 20:20:45 [Events] -- Failed to format e-mail message. org.springframework.dao.IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException: query did not return a unique result: 3
When a user clicks a username that is selected in a single user field to get the send email popup and then clicks the link to use their preferred email client, the email address for that user gets populated in the email that opens in their email client. When they do the same using the email icon that appears next to a multi -user field to send an email to all the users selected in the multi -user field, the email opens in their email client without the email addresses of the users populated.