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DIM CM: Enable SDP and VRS specific traces
In some cases it might be necessary to collect some debug data in form of an SDP trace. Usually Support will ask you to do this to troubleshoot an incident but customers might want to do this themselves to start the investigations. This can be done in several ways:
DIM CM: dmappsrv crash browsing request on Solaris with SDP trace enabled
Unable to browse any requests with either Desktop or Web client when SDP trace is enabled. The log might show something similar to this:
Dim 14.3.3 : what is required to stop/start after turning on sdp trace in dmweb.cfg file ?
After installing Web Client Tools, by default, configuration file dmweb.cfg is located here : C:\Users\<userid>\AppData\Roaming\Serena\Dimensions 14.3\CM\dmweb.cfg In this file, it is possible to enable sdp trace by uncommenting this variable : #DM_SDP_TRACE %DM_LOGS%
Dim14: SDP Tracing: How to enable SDP tracing without restarting Dimensions CM Listener
To enable, from the Desktop Client Console window or when logged into DMCLI, run the following command: set sdp_trace on /user_directory=<drive:\path to a directory> Once this is set, reproduce the issue which you wish to trace.
12.2.x / activating sdp trace on server makes empty contents of remote unix work area
step 1 : add DM_SDP_TRACE symbol in dm.cfg of the server and stop/start the listener step 2 : login to desktop client step 3 : in the work area field : tape stl-sup-aix3::/home/dmsys/jm/ => contents of area is then empty (see slide 1)
Dim14: Using DM_SDP_TRACE to check for problems using the Dimensions CM Auto Update facility
If you are having problems setting up your Dimensions Auto Update for Clients and Agents you should enable SDP tracing , on both the server and client machines, in order to help find out where the problems are.
14.x / set SDP_TRACE ON /USER_DIR=/tmp/ => ACL0004578E Error: Qualifier USER_DIR not found
Dimensions server is on AIX machine. When turning on client sdp trace from console view of desktop client , getting this error : set SDP_TRACE ON /USER_DIR=/tmp/
Dim CM 14.x: sdp_trace adds a / instead of a \ at the end of the Windows path of the log file
In this example the Dimensions server is installed on a Unix machine. As the log file for sdp _ trace is generated on the Dimensions server, not on the end-user local Windows client , a Unix path must be specified for the /user_directory parameter. For example, /user_directory=/tmp/trace.
dmupgradecln SDP log contains erroneous data
The SDP trace for client upgrade process, dmupgradecln, includes the following line: UpgCln: DmServerServiceImpl::AskForUpdate: : hostname(<hostanme>) port(176) platform(1) type(0) version( where port is 176 -- 671 backwards.
Dim14: Client machine not polling server for new client updates using the Dimensions Client Auto Update option
Looking at the *DMUPGRADECLN_SYSTEM*.log file in the SDP trace folder we saw the following entry: