In Dimensions versions previous to 10 it was possible to define the PCMS- ROLE -MANAGER and the PCMS-PART-MANAGER at the design part level. The PCMS_PART_MANAGER is simulated as a privilege as Dimensions 10 allows this to be restricted at the part level. This is not the case for the PCMS-ROLE-MANAGER role.
If a role is assigned to a user it can be deleted. This should not be possible as it then prevents to delete the role assignments . Deleting a role should also delete the role assignments automatically.
When trying to delete a role assignment following the upgrade to Dimensions CM 14.3.1 an error was reported : PCM00055065E Error: User role assignment does not exist
2. Create a new design part where Id = TOTO.2 3. Go to the role assignment section 4. Select the newly created design part TOTO.2, assign a role a user for this particular design part.
Show Users and Roles on the child design part will show that the role is propagated but it is not. Further testing has shown that the problem is the project role assignement. If the user has a non-project role assignment on the parent part the create baseline operation will succeed.
At present, Dimensions does not delete role assignments that reference design parts when the design part is deleted. This can lead to having some role assignments left in the database that reference design parts that no longer exist. This first database query will select and list all role assignments that reference design parts that no longer exist.
Click the "New Report" button Click type of "Administrative" and click OK Name the report what you want and choose "Resource Role Assignments " from the drop down.