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Out of Office (Delegation) Demo and FAQ
Beginning in SBM 10.1.2, you can use the out-of-office feature to delegate active primary items owned by one user to another user for a specific time period. This document has screen prints to demonstrate how this process looks to the users. The document is also attached for your convenience.
Modifying the Delegation Processing Interval for the Out Of Office feature
Beginning with SBM 10.1.2, you can use the out-of-office feature to delegate active primary items owned by one user to another user for a specific time period. This is useful for ensuring that items are addressed during vacation periods, holidays, or other times when users may be unavailable.
Cannot delegate Items at Base project if user has no access to all sub-projects
If a user has got access to projects A,B,C but not to projects D,E, they will not be selectable on the Out-Of-Office UI at the Base project level when 'Delegate Items in Sub-projects too' is selected. Only if user has access to all Projects will they be selectable in the Out-Of-Office UI at Base project level when the 'Delegate Items in Sub-projects too' is selected.
Work Center Guide
You can use the out-of-office feature to delegate active primary items owned by one user to another user for a specific time period. This is useful for ensuring that items are addressed during vacation periods, holidays, or other times when users may be unavailable.
User Workspace Guide
• Delegation While Out of Office This option is available on this tab for users who do not have privileges to modify their user profile. Click Edit to open out-of-office settings that enable you to delegate primary items to another user for a specific amount of time. Delegates must have privileges to own items in the projects selected for delegation.
User's Guide
• Delegation While Out of Office Click Edit to open out-of-office settings that enable you to delegate primary items to another user for a specific amount of time. Delegates must have privileges to own
SBM Application Administrator Guide
You can use the out-of-office feature to delegate active primary items owned by one user to another user for a specific time period. This is useful for ensuring that items are addressed during vacation periods, holidays, or other times when users may be unavailable.
Office 2007 file-name extensions
Office 2007 file-name extensions
Exporting Report Data into Excel 2002 (Office XP)
Exporting Report Data into Excel 2002 ( Office XP)
MCLG: Preview word and office docs and it just blinks
MCLG: Preview word and office docs and it just blinks