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CMS-XML SBM Composer Field Mappings Ignore Field Ordering in Locked Event
When an event definition is locked, all defining characteristics of the event are saved and should be used anywhere the event is used, such as in other process apps. However, transition actions generate the event using a different field order than that defined by the locked event definition. After the orchestration workflow runs, in SBM Application Repository, an ERROR message with text “Error mapping data with field ‘fieldname
CMS-XML KM-Dim7: The order in which PVCS Dimensions Events are processed
Certain events such as Pre-Extract are called on a number of different commands , and certain commands such as EDI (Edit Item) will cause a number of different events to be called. What is the order in which the events are called?
CMS-XML Asynchronous orchestration ordering
When more than one asynchronous orchestration is called from a single transition, the actions for the orchestrations can be re-ordered so that one comes before the other which implies that one can be made to run before the other, but that is not the case. All the asynchronous orchestrations called by that transition will be called by a single event so they will not necessarily run in the order that the actions are in. (For details, see the "Considerations for Using Actions" topic in the SBM Composer Guide or online Help.)
CMS-XML Failed to deploy event map for orchestration "BSGCROrchestrations": Transport error: 404 Error: Not Found
In order to ensure smooth transition from the previous versions to SBM 10.x the Event Manager is automatically configured to continue to accept external events without authentication credentials if SSO is not enabled.(To change this behaviour of the Event Manager please see Knowledge Base article S138463.)
CMS-XML DIM: Compiling c++ event triggers and API code on RHEL with gcc 4.8
There are a couple problems that need to be addressed in order to compile c or c++ code using gcc v4.x compilers on Linux machines. The first problem may occur with c or c++ source code. The problem is that the Automatic Dependency Generator (adg) does not recognize the C99 standard for certain compiler directives.
CMS-XML REST API: Local admin access required to subscribe to events
From testing here it appears that local admin access is required in order to subscribe to a ZMF event (i.e. the user must have UPDATE access to the CMNLCADM/CMNsLCAD profile). If the user does not possess this the 'Subscribe' option in the zmfevent webapp is greyed out.
CMS-XML Unhandled event loop exception – possibly processing dataset locks
A customer is reporting that the following problem consistently occurs after editing components several times in a single session. According to the customer, the affected user needs to restart RDz in order to clear the problem. Disconnecting/reconnecting to the ZMF server is not sufficient.
PDF Dimensions CM Event Trigger Quick Start Tutorial
For testing purposes Visual Studio 2012 on Windows 2012 with Dimensions CM 14.0.4 has been used.1 In order to determine the compilers and version required, refer to the Knowledgebase article S138313 for list of compilers supported for 12.2.: Win32: (Microsoft Visual Studio 2008) Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 15.00.30729.01 for 80x86
CMS-XML How to prevent the Event Manager from accepting external events without credentials
With the use of security tokens for all communication with SBM components regardless of authentication method, it is now necessary to provide credentials in the User element of external events that are processed by the Event Manager. Credentials must be supplied in order to receive a security token.
CMS-XML WINDOWID has to be set on Xterm in order to run VM
All X windows on the server will have a unique ID number which is used within the server to make sure that X events and window updates and so forth get directed to the right place. Use xwininfo to display that, and other, data about any windows on your display. xwininfo returns the window id value in hex, and it does have the same sort of pattern for all windows.
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