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Installing a Secure Version of the ChangeMan ZMF REST API-Jenkins Integration
ZMF REST Services Getting Started Guide, all secure communication functionality (i.e. SSL) associated with this processing on z/OS must be implemented using IBM's Application Transparent Transport Layer Security (AT-TLS). Some customers may have found and implemented other solutions that address their specific needs (e.g. the implementation of native Apache Tomcat SSL connectors). However, if problems are encountered
How to install setup the ZMF Connector to communicate with SBM using SSL (SBM and ZMF Connector on same server)
The ZMF Connector (sometimes called ALM Connector) is used to Integration ChangeMan ZMF with SBM or Release Control (RLC). In some situations, you may want this connection between SBM/RLC and the ZMF Connector to be done over a secure SSL connection. This document contains the steps for this setup.
How to configure one-way and two-way SSL for Release Control and ZMF Connector
When adding a promote, demote, or audit ZMF task to a Release Package, get "ERROR: Server not available"
This problem will happen when 2-way SSL is setup for RLC to ZMF connections. The user can choose the ZMF action to perform, but if the user chooses promote, demote, or audit, they will get error:
ZMF4ECL: Users unable to connect to ZMF Server (SER8210E)
Notes: - Customer is not using SSL connections and all settings are appropriate for this. - The same users can connect successfully from the same client machines to the same ZMF Server using ZDD.
Need to provide AT-TLS connection option in base ZMF Web Services
However, several customers also host their own homegrown, ZMF web services(ZMFWS)-based applications. Looking at the web services there is no ‘secure logon’/TLS/ SSL option available. This functionality needs to be added so that custom applications can also exploit the benefits of AT-TLS security.
ZMF4ECL: Multiple users still unable to connect to ZMF Server (SER8210E) despite running fix for OCTCR46A38001
Notes: - Reporting customer is not using SSL connections and all settings are appropriate for this. - The same users can connect successfully from the same client machines to the same ZMF Server using ZDD.
RLC: ZMF View Widget (ZMF Form Widget) gives a spinning icon but does not load
Security problem where SBM was running SSL but the ZMF Connector was not. In this situation, the ZMF Connector had to be reconfigured to use SSL, and the SBM certificates had to be loaded into the Common Tomcat and JRE. If you have this problem, follow KB S139798 to get the SBM certificate chain.
RLC: ZMF Plugin gives "Validation Error. Can't connect to ZMF server."
Reason: Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?
How to get a copy of the certificate chain and copy it to the certificate trust store ("PKIX path building failed" or similar SSL connection errors.)
ALM Connector ( ZMF Connector) Common Tomcat: S142980 Keywords: mail server, mail client, notification server, smtp, SSL, JBOSS, TOMCAT, PKIX path building failed, cacerts, establish certificate trust, certificate chain