While trying to open a solution from source control from a RIDE client, attempts to connect to an SBM server fail with the error: Could not authenticate (Invalid user)
This is caused by an invalid Time preference setting in the database. ... 1) Update the user's setting using the follow SQL (Replace XXX with the user's login id): update TS_USERS set TS_TIMEPREFERENCE = 1 where TS_ LOGINID ='XXX' 2) Restart IIS or refresh SBM server-side cache using the URL: http://<servername>/workcenter/tmtrack.dll?adminpage&command=refreshcache
When creating a schema owner for you may receive ORA-65096: invalid common user or role name If the pluggable database option was installed on the Oracle server
The effected users had an invalid email address in the CC field of their profile settings (Settings > General > E-mail Notification CC- Users ). Removing this value fixed the problem.
When this happens, Version Manager may continue to send old cached credentials in addition to the SSO token. SBM will use these (now invalid ) credentials instead of the SSO token, resulting in a failure during the final step of the process that links the revision to the issue.
This does not cause any major problems unless the user is the owner of an item. If you did not use the Out of Office feature to reassign his items and someone tried to update that item, they would get a message that the owner is invalid . Similarly, if you try to transition an item into a new state where the deleted users would become the owner, the transition will fail with a message about an invalid user.