When ActivIdentity's ActivClient 7 is installed on a computer, Version Manager fails to login to an SSO -enabled project database using a CAC (Common Access Card) reader . Depending on the exact version of ActivClient that is used, one of the following errors is shown:
If when attempting to log on to a Serena product using single sign-on ( SSO ), such as the Serena ALM Configurator or the Serena Deployment Automation user interface, you receive the following error, you must update your SSO STS certificates. ALF SSO Gatekeeper error has occurred: Error obtaining security token. Detail
(copied okay). COR1601051E Agent system doesn't have the capability to handle certificates for users using single-sign-on : certificate generation is not possible Warning: failed to generate a certificate for deployment script execution
Due to a bug in Internet Explorer (IE) involving the loss of cookie data (as demonstrated here ), using Associate to link a Check Out or Check In to an issue in SBM may fail when it is performed from IE in a configuration that uses SSO . When this happens, the Java console shows pvcs.io.UnrecognizedMimeTypeException: Unknown MIME type "text/html;charset=UTF-8".