Dim12: DMDBA : ACL4501561E Error: Could not load library libdbio_srv_oci8_10201.so Could not load module /produit/oracle/11.2.0/lib/libclntsh.so (System error: Exec format error)
In some cases, the usage of the Oracle SYSTEM user is not allowed by non-DBA's. This usually occurs when using a 'locked down' Oracle Enterprise server. Can we set up another Oracle account to use instead of SYSTEM? What Oracle privileges are needed to use DMDBA?
To use DMDBA against an Oracle database, you must ensure that you are connected to the DMDBA tool with an Oracle account name that has DBA privileges, such as System . This is because Dimensions relies on Oracle's database level authentication. You can connect with other account names without DBA privileges but execution of any DMDBA operation will return with an error message.
Steps To Reproduce dmdba system /manager@dim09r2 migrate system /manager@DM09r2 WE8ISO8859P15 /logfile=log2.log /schemas=MYBASEDB /d Dimensions CM DMDBA 2009 R2 Build 4.341 (Production) at 04:04:27 Monday 24 May 2010
Simply include the command on the calling line. $ dmdba system /manager@pc10 lsdb Dimensions CM DMDBA 10.1.0 Build 406 (Production) at 11:22:39 Monday 15 January