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CMS-XML DimCM: Tomcat: How to upgrade Tomcat to 8.5.51 for Dimensions CM 14.4 and 14.5.x plus details for Tomcat 8.5.55 and above
CM 14.4.x
CMS-XML Dim10: How to upgrade Tomcat to a newer version
Dimensions CM 10.1.x installation comes bundled with Tomcat 5.5.12 Due to a number of security issues customers may want to upgrade this version of Tomcat to a newer and more secure version.
CMS-XML Dim12: Upgrading Tomcat
In some cases, upgrading to the latest version of Tomcat is needed. The instructions below are specifically for a Windows Server using an SSO Server, whether it be the SBM or the Dimensions CM SSO Server. Modifications to the instructions for non-SSO environments may be needed. The below instructions have been tested with Tomcat 6.0.35.
CMS-XML Tomcat components fail to start after it's upgraded from 8.5 version.
A number of customers have upgraded Tomcat 8.5 that comes with Dimensions CM to newer 8.5.x versions in order to resolve some vulnerabilities. However, after Tomcat is upgraded some of the Connectors fail to start up. Tomcat logs include the following errors:
CMS-XML DIM CM: Using Dimensions CM 2009 R2 - 12.2.1 after upgrading suite version to 4.0.1 or installing RM 12.1
After upgrading suite version to 4.0.1 (Development Manager, Requirement Manager or Release Manager) or installing RM 12.1 you will need to reinstate your Dimensions CM 2009 R2 - 12.2.1 web applications into the new Tomcat . If you are already using Dimensions CM 12.2.2 then no additional steps are necessary.
CMS-XML CM: Upgrade to 14.3.1 - Pulse no longer starts up correctly - org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException
Application is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'databaseSchemaUpgrade' defined in URL [jar:file:/C:/Program%20Files/Serena/common/ tomcat /8.0/webapps/pulse/WEB-INF/lib/platform-dbschema-14.3.1-SNAPSHOT.jar!/META-INF/starlight/app-components.xml]:
CMS-XML Dim12.x: Upgrade from 12.2.1x blanks out hostname and port number for the SSO server in the Tomcat alfssogatekeeper configuration file
(b) The above is accurate and relevant in the CM 12.2.2 Readme file. However there is another impact (see next item)
CMS-XML Dim10: How To: After upgrade CM Web Client Login button has no effect
directory, and the "C:\Program Files\Serena\Dimensions 10.1\Common Tools\tomcat\5.5\webapps\dimensions directory" - don't worry these will be re-created on starting the Serena Common Tomcat service. Start the Serena Common Tomcat service.
CMS-XML RM/CM integration will not work after upgrading from RM 11.x or older to RM 12.x
2(32) := 'RM'; 3 Edit the following line replacing 8080 with the Dimensions RM Tomcat port: C_PORT CONSTANT VARCHAR2(5) := '8080'; 4 Save your changes to the sql file. 5 Open an SQL Plus or SQL Developer connection to the Oracle database for the Dimensions CM integration. NOTE: By default, the database is named cm_typical and there is a user ID of the same name that has the required permissions.
CMS-XML Dim CM 14.5.2: Pulse not connecting following upgrade to CM 14.5.2 against PostgreSQL
As you can see the original file had two additional lines at the end. Replacing the new file with the backed up copy and restarting Tomcat allows the connection to Pulse to be made. Note that this problem does not affect new installations of 14.5.2, only upgrades from previous releases where there is no loopback adapter defined on the machine.
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