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Dim14: Pulse: Can we change the database password for the Pulse user?
Dim14: Pulse : Can we change the database password for the Pulse user ?
Dim14: Install: Pulse user is not created
Dim14: Install: Pulse user is not created
DimCM: Pulse: User cannot edit a Date attribute via Pulse
User is trying to edit a Date attribute of a request via Pulse. User is able to click the Calendar button next to the date attribute field, and click a date there. However, the attribute is not updated, it stays blank.
DimCM: Pulse: Browser's cookie limit size overrun on users admin page
Browser's cookie limit size overrun on users admin page. This is caused by a lot of users within the Pulse database.
Dim cm 14.4: not possible to login to pulse, getting error "Could not acquire change log lock. Currently locked by () since "
Dim cm 14.4: not possible to login to pulse , getting error "Could not acquire change log lock. Currently locked by () since "
Reviews and experts are not triggered in Pulse when user generates a new changeset in Dimensions CM
When user makes changes in Dimensions CM that generate a new changeset, in Pulse the Reviews are not triggered, and Experts are not invoked, by this new changeset. When looking at the new changeset in Pulse , the Review icon displays No Review caption.
Dim 14: Pulse: Unable to display user Avatars from LDAP when base DN has spaces in it
1. Describe the problem & the customer's use case scenario? No avatar images are being shown (just the default grey man) and there are LDAP exceptions in the Pulse log files. A base DN with no spaces it all works fine...problem only happens with space in the DN.
Dim14: Pulse adding a user as a reviewer does not add the user to the list of review candidates or as lead reviwer
1. Describe the problem & the customer's use case scenario? Already have a stream under pulse 1. Add a new users A and B to Basedb
User gets ...You do not have the "Browse" (ITEM_BROWSE) privilege .. error looking at changes in topic stream via Pulse
User gets ...You do not have the "Browse" (ITEM_BROWSE) privilege ... error looking at changes in topic stream via Pulse, when looking at changes in a delivered revision. User can view / Browse same item revision successfully via Dimensions Desktop or Web clients.
DimCM: Pulse: When attempting to logout of Pulse and if SSO is enabled, the user is unable to log out of Pulse as it logs the user back into Pulse immediately.
When attempting to logout of Pulse and if SSO is enabled, the user is unable to log out of Pulse as it logs the user back into Pulse immediately. This solution is specific to Dimensions CM 14.3.2 and 14.3.3. If you are using a Dimensions CM 14.4, 14.5, 14.5.1 or Pulse 19.1.0, 19.1.1, or 19. versions, please see Knowledgebase Solution S143011.