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Version Manager Rich IDE (RIDE) integrations fail to connect to SBM with error "Could not authenticate (Invalid user)"
Note: errors that are caused by a change in authentication mechanism on the SBM server (SSO vs. LDAP vs. Internal Passwords) need to be resolved by changing the credentials accordingly. This article is only intended to solve Version Manager RIDE connectivity issues where the credentials being used are valid and can be used as-is to login to SBM using its web interface.
Dim2009R2: SSO CAC: Error authenticating user: Cannot initialize LDAP context or Invalid username or password
c. Open the dm.cfg file in a text editor and comment out the SSO Authentication Config section as well as the Smart Card (CAC) Config section. This will include the DM_AUTH_TYPE_DBS variable as well as all SSO_ variables. Save the changes when done.
User gets ...Error: Invalid item specification ... and ... Item "- " is not in Project trying to Get / Preview item.
Item "<item spec>" is not in Project <project spec> Error: Invalid item specification If using SSO for authentication , the issue appears to be caused by security token timeout.
Dim10: LDAP: Failed to connect to the Dimensions server. LDAP Error: (49) Invalid credentials, LDAP Server Error: 80090308: LdapErr: DSID-0C090334, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, vece, PRG4500325E Error: User authentication failed - LDAP bind to server failed
For additional debugging switches, just run ldapsearch with no variables or switches. If no matches are found with this command (the number of matches is the last line of the results), contact your LDAP Admin. Once this is corrected and results occur, please provide these results if needed.
DS users with domain authentication/no passwords cannot log into ECP
Using domain authentication to log into ECP it gives ' Invalid Login' message. Domain authentication is not supported for ECP. For DS, domain authentication works. Thus users who have domain authentication without password in DS will be unable to use ECP.
One or more VM I-Net Web Client users find that module assocations made via SourceBridge do not get stored if VM and SBM are both using SSO authentication
When this happens, Version Manager may continue to send old cached credentials in addition to the SSO token. SBM will use these (now invalid ) credentials instead of the SSO token, resulting in a failure during the final step of the process that links the revision to the issue.
Transition "Authentication" option does not force end user to enter a password
Selecting that option does present the Authentication Required UI in the Web browser interface, and it appears that the user ID and password are both required. But in reality, only the user ID is required; the password field can be left blank and the transition still completes. This feature is supposed to prevent the transition from completing if the user enters an invalid password.
SBM: Failed to contact Authentication Service at SERVERNAME with reason: Invalid User ID or Password
This error can occur when trying to deploy or even trying to connect to a Application Repository Environment if the Certificates are not fully updated and not expired. On a windows 2008 distributed system you must follow the steps in KB S139077 and follow the section on a Distributed System even for environments. From the above mentioned KB: S139077
ALM Configurator gives error "User is not authenticated"
ALM Configurator gives error " User is not authenticated "
Dim10: Dimensions LDAP authentication starts to fail authenticating users; no apparent changes on server.
Dim10: Dimensions LDAP authentication starts to fail authenticating users ; no apparent changes on server.