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CMS-XML VS Studio may exit unexpectedly if user attempts to access data from CM after CAC connection times out
Dimensions CM 14.4
CMS-XML Dim10: WARNING: inbound connection timed out (ORA-3136)... in Oracle alert logs
Dim10 : WARNING: inbound connection timed out (ORA-3136)... in Oracle alert logs
CMS-XML SBM 10.x database upgrade to SBM 11.x gives error "Failed to upgrade Orchestration Engine database. Connection to the Application Engine server has timed out."
SBM 10.x database upgrade to SBM 11.x gives error "Failed to upgrade Orchestration Engine database. Connection to the Application Engine server has timed out ."
CMS-XML KM-Dim7: Fetch of items appears to 'hang'. Following errors captured in DFS log.pcms_sdp on servername>: Message loop failure LCNetRavRead: read error errno 145145 is ETIMEDOUT (Connection timed out) according errno.h
Scenario: Two machines running Dimensions 7.1 on UNIX(Solaris 8). From the server machine a fetch of items using Motif client and command line( pcms xcmd <filecontainingcommands>) items are successfully extracted to default workset location. Performing the same steps on second machine the fetch process appears to 'hang'.
CMS-XML DIM CM: Desktop Client closes with an exception error are timeout
When the Desktop Client connection was terminated due to a time out issue and the user logs back in it can happen that Desktop Client closes with an exception error.
CMS-XML Dim10: CVS2DM or VM2DM: Error:7012:Command failed - merant.adm.dimensions.exception.DimConnectionException: Connection reset
The above error is caused by a Session Timeout error. Here's what you will need to do in order to avoid the 'connection' error during the migration: 1. Browse to <$DM_ROOT>\dfs directory on the Dimensions Server. For example:
CMS-XML KM-Dim10: During DMDBA upgrade Get Oracle error ORA-03135: connection lost contact
Check if there is a firewall between the DMDBA process (or the Dimensions server) and the Oracle server. Sometimes firewalls will timeout network sessions that are believed to be idle. Consider disabling the firewall on your PC (if that is involved in this transaction).
CMS-XML KM-Dim10: Reported Defect DEF109853: Timeout for Admnconsole and Web Client not working correctly
Dimensions server is closing the network connection to the client intermittently and this causes the web client to just start returning no data.
CMS-XML KM-Dim10: Reported Defect DEF105033: Issue Fixed in Dimensions 10.1.1: Item merge with fast timeout results in error
If the timeout to the server is quick, and you do a three way merge of an imported item - if this takes a while - then the connection times out . When the merge is exited, the merge dialogue comes up with a
CMS-XML Release Package gives error "RequestTimeout: The orchestration request was submitted but the server timed out waiting for the response"
Increase the timeout value. The default is 20000 milliseconds (20 seconds). Try increasing it to at least 60000 milliseconds (1 minute), and see if that works better. You could increase it more, but that might cause overall performance issues if the connection is too slow.
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