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CMS-XML Occasional user cannot see images attached to KB articles on SRC Knowledge tab
Occasional user cannot see images attached to KB articles on SRC Knowledge tab
CMS-XML Images cannot be inserted into a KM article.
"First, select the insert image button to upload the image. This opens the Attachment dialog, where you can browse to the image . After the image is uploaded, select the insert image button again, and select the image from the menu."
CMS-XML KM-Dim8: After importing the image to the Administration Console and subsequently pressing the Show Lifecycle button from within the Action dialog, Microsoft Photo Editor consistently responds with "Can't determine type".
If this is so then there are certain areas of Dimensions which may suffer corruption of some degree: Change document attachments , Lifecycle gifs, and browse templates. This can mean that you have an almost unworkable change management system.
CMS-XML Attached images are not print when using the print form
Also, when you create a print form, you can include the Attachments on the form. When the print form includes the Attachments section and there is an image that was added using the "Show File as Image " option, the image is displayed on the form. However, when you actually print using this form, the image is not printed.
CMS-XML Deadlock errors occur when loading an item with images where the "show attachment as image" option is checked
When loading an item with multiple images displayed on a page, deadlocks occur. The deadlock error causes the new record in the TS_ATTACHMENTS table to not be updated correctly
CMS-XML In-line image not displayed after email submit
One of the improvements listed in the SBM 11.2 readme is, that emails, that contain in-line images in the body will be submitted into SBM and including the in-line images - so the image should be displayed in the text as it was in the original email - as long as the mapped text field is rich text enabled. This is not the case - the email text is displayed without the in-line image and the image can only be seen in the attachments
CMS-XML Email Recorder options should adhere to the check boxes for attachments when dealing with inline images.
If you look at the Mail Client section in Configurator in the Email Recorder section there are two checkboxes that should behave a little different. The problem is if you have both "Attach HTML email as PDF" and "Include Attachments when using email recorder" then you only get the PDF of the email even if both check boxes are checked.
CMS-XML Notes and Rich Text Fields display "Undefined" after pasting images from the clipboard.
The problem is the System Admin tool lets you specify a Username and Password to be used when saving attachments . This part works as expected when saving a traditional attachment to an item but the mechanism used to store the attachment when pasting to a rich text field doesn't use that Username and Password but rather the ID specified to run the IIS Application Pool that the tmtrack virtual directory uses. If the ID that the app pool uses doesn't have permission to read/write to that UNC path then you will see this problem.
CMS-XML The customer must manually insert images into RM document post-import in order to get Word images into the RM site.
Please see the attached to validate temp directory settings.
CMS-XML Some images within published KB articles show as broken images
If the artcle creator used the "show file as image" box, you can either: a) Teach the authors to stop using this box AND re-upload and re-add images that show as broken b) Give all users " View All Items" (to see unrestricted images ) AND " View Attachments on Any Item" (to see restricted images ) in the Knowledge Management project
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Dimensions CM: Working with items, part 1 (demonstration)
This Dimensions CM demonstration shows you how to perform impact analysis to determine which files are affected by specific changes

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