Steps to reproduce: - on Qlarius_CM add a new product (TEST_PROD) - open Desktop Client and create a new project in the newly created product (DWS "TEST_PROD:F_MERGE_PROBLEM" /DESCRIPTION="Project to show cross product merge problems " /TYPE="WORKSET" /DEPLOYMENT_MODEL=AUTOMATIC /NOCOPY_ON_DEPLOY /TRUNK /NOAUTO_REV)
From the documentation: A Product Manager can create, delete and merge worksets within the product... The Workset Manager sets up and maintains the workset directory structure, adds or deletes item revisions, sets the workset flags that regulate users working within worksets, and locks worksets to create baselines.
DM10.1.0 GA checks for product names containing "." and disallows them. If you attempt to create a new product with a period in the name, ie. Prod1.3 Dimensions 10 will not create the product and will produce the following error instead:
Running a Dimensions 14.3.1 or 14.3.2 or 14.3.3 server with a database that has previously been upgraded from Dimensions 12 or 2009R2. 1. CRDB to create a new base database using /BASEDON=cm_typical or /import=empty_cpl.sql or /import=<file>.expm 2. Set up product in the new base database and create a request.