This problem can also occur if you have exceeded the number of licenses available for connecting to Dimensions RM. Please check the RM logs in "RM Install directory"\ logs or the SLM log file SerenaLicenseServer.log to see if there are any entries for licenses being refused. You can use the SLM GUI to manage your license assignments where appropriate.
Configuring the Notification URL If your site is a DP site, you must specify the same hostname and port for the DP site and the P site. If not, the P site will continue to wake up looking for work and will fill up the JESMSGLG (JES message log ).
Example NTFYURL='alm_host:8080/almzmfalf/services/ZMFALFEventRouter' CAUTION! If your site is a DP site, you must specify the same hostname and port for the DP site and the P site. If not, the P site will continue to wake up looking for work and will fill up the JESMSGLG (JES message log ).
When users connect to their TT4ZMF instance via IP address rather than DNS name then actions instigated from the ZMF ISPF client on the mainframe may not be logged or actioned on the TeamTrack side of the integration. For example, a user who accesses TT4ZMF using the following form of URL will not suffer from this problem: http://tt4zmfdns/tmtrack/tmtrack.dll?
Any issues in this initial stage will be logged in the rlc.log (by default, located at C:\Program Files\Serena\SBM\Common\tomcat\server\default\logs) Step 2: RLC Plugin communicates with the ZMF Connector (aka Mainframe Connector or ALM Connector ) Any issues with the ZMF Connector are logged in serenatomcat-stderr.log or serenatomcat-stdout.log (by default located at C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\common\tomcat\8.0\logs)
Step 2: SBM orchestration communicates with the ZMF Connector (aka Mainframe Connector or ALM Connector ) Any issues with the ZMF Connector are logged in serenatomcat-stderr.log or serenatomcat-stdout.log (by default located at C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\common\tomcat\8.0\logs) Step 3: ZMF Connector communicates with ZMF.
When performing certain functions in ZDD, either a 'blue screen' crash occurs or ZDD does not connect to mainframe , depending on the ZDD version on the client.