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SLA Widget has incomplete or missing or blank or empty information if an SLA becomes unbound because the conditions become false
If the conditions of an SLA become false then the SLA becomes unbound and the SLA is marked as an exception (in SLA_ITEM) The SLA.log contains the following message: INFO 20-09- 2012 10:34:47 [ChangeActionProcess] -- SLA item with id = 77 became not bound with SLA rule with id 78, marking as exception
Release agent status connected and agent log shows Java_home is set to an invalid directory
Platform: Windows Server 2012 Version: Serena Release Automation Problem Description:
Application process request status is not shown when using the snapshot step
Using SDA 5.1.6 on Windows 2012 and Win2008 server If it is coming from a customer reported DEFECT: 1. Describe the problem & the customer's use case scenario?
SBM: Can log into Work Center, but Repository gives error: HTTP Status 412 – Precondition Failed
HTTP Status 412 – Precondition Failed Type Status Report Description One or more conditions given in the request header fields evaluated to false when tested on the server.
AppScript "IsLocked" function does not return correct status
In AppScript PreTransition and PostTransition contexts, the value of Shell.Item.IsLocked should reflect the fact that the current item is locked by returning TRUE. Instead it is returning FALSE . The current item record is locked according to the TS_RECORDLOCKS table
Under some conditions Open Completed Trend Report shows "No Data to display" on Oracle
If one runs an Open Completed Trend Report between 1.12.2011 until 31.10. 2012 and group the result set by a User field the output will show as "No Data to Display". If the same report is run for the dates between 1.12.2011 and 30.10.2012 or 01.11.2012 , data is shown as expected. This behaviour appears to be peculiar to Oracle as on SQL Server cannot be reproduced.
Error "Please check selected SRA application history. Request Status Failed."
<!--This will give out the timout of the configuration contexts, in seconds--> <parameter name="ConfigContextTimeoutInterval" locked=" false ">120</parameter> to be:
Get "http status code not Successful 2xx" or "http status: 401, http message: Unauthorized" using Basic authentication with RestCaller web service.
<ns2:exception class='com.serena.restcaller.RESTCallerFault' note='To disable this feature, set com.sun.xml.ws.fault.SOAPFaultBuilder.disableCaptureStackTrace system property to false ' xmlns:ns2='http://jax-ws.dev.java.net/'>
Deploy status says "waiting". Deploy log shows a hang after "Awaiting Callback from Application Engine"
for the app pool. In the Recycling section, make sure all of the options are set to False and all of the limits are set to "0". In the Process Model section, make sure the "Idle Time-out" option is set to "0".
SDA: How to check status of an agent using command line
"impersonationPassword": ", "impersonationUseSudo": false , "impersonationUseSsh": false,