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Troubleshooting slow searches in the SBM classic UI
Troubleshooting slow searches in the SBM classic UI
Work Center Smart Search - Index update is too slow
Searching on a user in the Contacts table is slow when large numbers of contacts
SBM 10.1.5+: Disable Returning Attachments in Work Center Search Results (How to turn off Smart Search indexing for attachments)
After an upgrade, the indices are rebuilt automatically when JBoss/Tomcat is started. It could take a considerable amount of time for the re-index to complete and performance will be very slow until it finishes. You could turn off the indexing until a time better suited to wait for this process.
SBM/RLC is running out of disk space, running out of memory, becomes slow and must be restarted several times a day, ZMF tasks are getting "stuck" at In Progress
In the result, look for the value of "eventNotifyCheckpoint". If the value is not today, continue with the rest of this document. Otherwise, you are experiencing something different, and you should contact support for additional help.
SBM is slow after upgrade
You may have also had custom indexes on the older system that were not create on the new, or attempted if they were created without SBM's knowledge. You may want to list the indexes on the previous system and make note of any missing ones on the new system. Contact support if you have questions on the need of certain indexes.
Delays in getting an SLM license causing login lag for TeamTrack/SBM
When the SLM server log (SerenaLicenseServer.log) shows that SLM is using IP addresses instead of host names, this can be indicative of significantly reduced login performance. The reason for this is that the SLM client was not able to successfully perform a hostname lookup for the IP address of the end-user's PC, sometimes referred to as a reverse DNS lookup . A failed lookup can take a long time to complete if the DNS server(s) cannot be reached, or if NetBIOS is enabled on any of the network adapters.
Utility to test ODBC query speed for SBM.
This utility when run just uses the same ODBC connection that SBM uses so it's just testing the connection by running the following sql statement and shows how long it took to run. The utility basically takes SBM itself out of the equation when trying to troubleshoot why the app itself might be slow . In this customer case they could run the same query in the Oracle Developer Tools in a fraction of the time that this utility was able to.
SBM performance issue with Virtual machines
If the SBM user interface is suddenly slower after network changes that should not have an effect and the ID search button errors out ( button in upper left corner of user interface ) with Unknown Project ID 0. Invalid Enabler License, It is possible that the VMware image has stale ARP cache.
SBM 10.1.5 on SQL Server 2012 R2 - Settings to Adjust to Improve Performance in Work Center
Performance issues (including high ETimeQueue and slow responses) when running reports, submitting items, transitioning items, and adding notes have been found in Work Center with SBM 10.1.5 when using SQL Server 2012 R2 as the back-end database. This article provides suggestions to improve performance in these areas.