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Restart of JBOSS server sends out an old notification email
When we scan the ts_notificationevents table for the itemid and tableid, as specified in the notification subject, does a record exist for the item? If not then check the ts_notificationmessages table where the message subject is similar to that of the email. If there is not a record in ts_notificationevents or ts_notificationmessages then the rogue email is likely caught in the JBOSS Server cache .
Configuration report has incorrect Load Level and caching level information for notification server
Notification server Email server protocol: SMTP Connection timeout: 120
DIM10: How to stop email notifications for pending items on Windows server
4) Wait until the Dimensions listener and especially the dmemail process is entirely shut down -- this can take a few moments. To check, use these steps:
Database unavailability causes thousands of Notification Warning emails.
Running Oracle and a SBM instance which runs on Windows Server 2003, if the Database is shut down but application services left running, the Notification server sends a warning email every 10 seconds to the "Administrator" email address. This issued 20,000 emails from the Notification server and the Configuration Settings were overridden
New fields are missing from notification emails
This is due to cached information in the Notification Server . The cache is refreshed automatically (about every 20-30 minutes). If this does not pick up the change or you cannot wait, restarting JBOSS will also force the cache to refresh.
Mail Client process does not clean item cache after each cycle
Possible workarounds are to run the Mail Client and Notification Server on different servers or perform the following steps: - stop JBoss - edit ../Serena/SBM/Common/jboss405/server/default/deploy/notificationsrv.war/WEB-INF/classes/ns_ehcache_config.xml file
Approvers getting project notification and email for each file in the project
********* INSTRUCTION FOR APPLYING PATCH ********** 1. Shut down DS server . 2. Exit from Change Man DS clients or development IDEs
Randomly missing field content in notification emails, which may lead to confusion
build-in a delay of 1 minute (no more is necessary) into the affected notifications send only those fields that are necessary for easy identification of the item - the rest can be read by opening the item (this also keeps the size of the database and the emails to a minimum) set the Performance and Cache settings for the Notification Server in Configurator; experimentation may help in finding an acceptable value that minimises this problem.
template tags base 380 conditional 383 e-mail 368 e-mail submission 371 notification 373 self-registration 369 templates clear template cache option 386 customizing 385 Text fields auto Spell Check 233 ... Transition Triggers 97, 137 transition types Copy 112 Create Subtask 113 Delete 114 External Post Item 114 Post Item 114 Publish Problem 116 Update 114 transitions actions 137 allowing mass updates 56 and calculations 119 automatic 137 calculated fields 119 concepts 91 Create Subtask 113 field options 118 field order 118 inheritance rules 111 limiting by groups 135 limiting by roles 135 overview 111
template tags base 374 conditional 377 e-mail 362 e-mail submission 365 notification 367 self-registration 363 templates clear template cache option 380 customizing 379 Text fields auto Spell Check 227 ... Transition Triggers 93, 133 transition types Copy 108 Create Subtask 109 Delete 110 External Post Item 110 Post Item 110 Publish Problem 112 Update 110 transitions actions 133 allowing mass updates 53 and calculations 115 automatic 133 calculated fields 115 concepts 87 Create Subtask 109 field options 114 field order 114 inheritance rules 107 limiting by groups 131 limiting by roles 131 overview 107