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When you open the Notifications area in your settings while in Work Center you may see an error "No row with the given identifier exists" com.serena.sbm.data.Notification#XXX
When you open the Notifications area in your settings while in Work Center you may see an error " No row with the given identifier exists " com.serena.sbm.data.Notification#XXX
MCLG: When migrate the admin database or project database to Oracle , get error "ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PLS-00201: identifier 'DBMS_JAVA.GRANT_PERMISSION' must be declared" or "Roll 'Java Admin' does not exist."
Also, Collage uses java stored procedures on Oracle to create the project and admin databases, and to run backups. The user needs permissions given to the java stored procedure.
Upgrade to SBM 11.0 and above with Oracle Database gives error- Error: ORA-00904: : invalid identifier
Full error as follows: Database Exception in ExecuteSQL for 'merge into TS_BLOBS b using (select b.TS_ID blobid,rawtohex(DBMS_CRYPTO.hash( b.TS_BLOB, 3)) h from TS_BLOBS b join TS_RESOURCES r on r.TS_BLOBID=b.TS_ID and b.TS_BLOB is not null) r on (b.TS_ID=r.blobid)
Submit form gives error: ORA-00904: : invalid identifier
The ORA-00904 error in conjunction with dbms_lob indicates that the execute privilege has not been granted to "PUBLIC" or has been revoked.
KM-Dim10: After upgrading to Dimensions 10.1.1 desktop client gives error when browsing change requests: DBIO004527E DBIO: Database I/O error occured. SQL-904(83081) ORA-00904: "A"."IS_TIP_REVISION": invalid identifier
After upgrading from Dimensions 10.1 to Dimensions 10.1.1, cannot browse (or read the contents of) a change request when using the desktop client. Get error:
Some Dim Clients give error "Failed to start Dimensions server process"
DBI0004527E DBIO: Database I/O error occurred ORA-12154: TNS: could not resolve the connect identifier specified DBconnectToDBMS: Status - -1
Login page gives "Transport error: 403 Error: Forbidden"
self-signed certificate - Any certificate that is not issued to and issued by the same name. More specifically, any certificate that does not have the same subject key and authority key identifier . It does not matter if the certificate is issued by VeriSign
SDA6.0: Attempt to delete a component version gives success message but component version remains
In the URL, you will notice a lengthy identifier that includes letters, numbers and dash characters. This is the identifier for the component version. Copy this identifier.
SBM Advanced XML Report gives error "An error occurred while processing the last request."
ORA-00904: "TSV_TASK_EXECUTION"."TS_NAME": invalid identifier
Output Values • Unidentified Servers (String[]) Array of the given server identifiers that did not match any server in Release Automation. 106Serena® Release Automation 4.1