Customer issues the shut down command, but ends up having to force the task to shut down. The issue only happens when at least one user was browsing or editing HFS files in a ChangeMan
At SSM shutdown, ECSA storage is left behind and not released. Jobname JobID Date CSA E -CSA SQA E -SQA SSMSTART S0782817 2015/08/19 07.01.59 456 284808 0 0
Customer has installed the most recent hotfix for DEF210009 and the hotfix did not resolve the following abend. ACTIVE LOAD MODULE ADDRESS=35F4C000 OFFSET=00002316 NAME=SERCOMM DATA AT PSW 35F4 E 310 - 18 E 118F0 18300 E 2 E 502094 E 4 AR/GR 0: 36DFE000/00000000_C90 E 3FE0 1: 00000000/00000000_36 E 17000 2: 00000000/00000000_36F1C020 3
At shutdown the customer experienced the following following SA03 abend followed by a S0C4 in SERVER three times since upgrading to ZMF v7.1.1.02: SER0954 E Task abnormally terminated: Comp=SA03 Function=DETACH/USER NSI=069EC408 IDI0034I Fault analysis skipped due to: EXCLUDE option specification (FAST)