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KM-Dim9: How to move item libraries to new server
How to move item libraries to new server Copy the item library directories from the original server to the same path on the new machine. For Dimensions 7.2
Dim cm: after moving Dimensions server and item library to a new machine, browse item no longer works for delta library storage
After moving Dimensions server, database and Item librairies from one server to an other, items of a specific product are no longer accessible. Indeed, when browsing one item of this product, getting this error: Browse item - FSY0004611E Error: Cannot open file demo-01.txt-169910766X12761X1.1 - No such file or directory (error=2).
KM-Dim9: Move Item Type 2249 Error: Item Spec is already used by an existing item"
The error above is received because there is an object contained in the item library with that item spec. For example, you have attempted to change the format type of an existing item "A16.A-DOC GEN" to "A16.A-DOC DES" using MIT command.
DimCM: Pulse: Moving Pulse schema or data from one server to another
Unlike the Dimensions CM basedatabase, the Pulse database doesn't really have a reference to the item libraries or the hostname of anything.
KM-Dim7: How to move an installation from one machine to another
that PCMS is already installed in the Oracle database 5. Copy the item libraries to the new machine 6. Use the Network Admin tool to add the new machine to the list of
DMCM: How to move a base database from one server to another using EXPDP and IMPDP utilities
When complete, register the new base database using the dmpasswd command as follows: dmpasswd <basedb>@<dsn> -add -pwd <basedb> The final steps are then to connect to Admin Console in the target system and add an entry for the base database against the new server node, and then update the item library pointers for the products in the base database.
How to move an installation from one server to another
In order to complete installation please perform the following tasks: Copy the item libraries to the new machine Use the Network Admin tool to add the new machine to the list of defined nodes if using DFS.
Dim10: CVS2DM: How can we improve the performance through the Migration Console when migrating from CVS2DM?
With the above noted, a good set of comparison data would be a to perform a get on ALL of the revisions of a project from the CVS Server to the Migration Console server. In turn, moving this same set of data from the Migration Console Server to the Item Library location. This would provide us with some 'baselines' of the file transfer.
KM-Dim9: Summary of Upgrade Steps for Dimensions from Dimensions 7.x to 9.x
SYSTEM> upgrade all How to move item libraries to new server 1. Copy the item libraries to the new machine
Dim200R2: How to make duplicate base database with different name?
will need to specify a new location for the item libraries to be located. You will need to repeat this process with each item type in all of your products. It is a very bad idea to use the same item library location for two base databases. You will run into major item library errors if you do. Please verify that you perform this step for each item type in every product. You will then want to move the backup you took in step 2 to the new location you specified in the adminconsole.