"KNOWN ISSUE If a user's machine is set to English(Austrailian) and they try to add a trial license, they will get the message "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime." WORKAROUND
A trial customer has highlighted an anomaly in our documentation regarding XMLSERV installation. In the latest version of the ZMF V5.3 Installation Guide (dated July 2002) we specify the following:
By modifying the file <DM HOME>Common Tools\tomcat\6.0\webapps\dimensions\WEB_INF\classes\merant\adm\servlet\ fusioncharts .properties you can customise the colours used in the report pie charts.
Customer submits a job that transfers a dataset from mainframe to the client. The first time it always works fine, further trials sometimes work, sometimes leads to the problem “access denied”, as the system thinks that the dataset is still in use. They also see the problem when working with ZMF datasets.