Dim12: Failed to connect to the Dimensions server - ACL4502922 E Error: Cannot open connection to host HOSTNAME - DBI0004527E DBIO: Database I/O error occurred ORA-28000: the account is locked
Dim10: CMRM: When creating a Request from a Requirement within the Desktop Client, an error of DBI0004527E DBIO: Database I/O error occurred, SQL-904(0119AE38) ORA-00904: "TABLE1"."RTM_TITLE": invalid identifier occurs
An attempt to relate an item to a request in Desktop Client generates the error DBI0004527E DBIO: Database I/O error occurred DBI4502374E SQL-904(000001F18FF84740) ORA-00904: "RU"."USER_NAME": invalid identifier
When performing an Edit/Find/Find Item in the Desktop Client, the following error is occurring: DBI0004527E DBIO: Database I/O error occurred DBI4502374E SQL-904(000001F73B509870) ORA-00904: "RU"."USER_NAME":invalid identifier
After turning on SDP trace (DM_SDP_TRACE) on the Dimensions server, it shows the dmappsrv process failed with this error : MsgStrAdd2: DBI0004527E DBIO: Database I/O error occurred ORA-12154: TNS : l'identificateur de connexion indiqué n'a pas pu êre résolu
Deploying baselines in parallel sometimes results in "Promotion of deployment unit <baseline id> to stage <new stage> has failed : DBI0004527E DBIO: Database I/O error occurred"