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How to setup anonymous submit in SBM
The Anonymous Submit feature enables you to allow users who do not have SBM user accounts to submit items into selected projects. These users can only view the Submit form and the Standard Fields section on that form. They can add file and URL attachments and notes to items while they are submitting them.
SBM: Anonymous submit screen is blank except for OK and Cancel buttons
Starting with SBM 11.4, you can setup nice forms for anonymous submit. We have seen upgrades to SBM 11.4 where the form gets mixed up and need to be manually set.
DIM CM: Upgrade can't connect to Oracle or complains about permissions
When doing an upgrade the installer will check Oracle connectivity and necessary permissions of the admin user entered . For these tests it will take the Oracle SID from
How to setup SBM to accept email submit of new items (SBM 10.1 and above)
Using SBM Composer, update the workflows to allow for email submit by creating a transition from the email state to the following state. In this example, we created a transition called "Email Submit" from the Email to the New state. (For details on this process, refer to the SQL Composer User Guide.) When the changes are complete, be sure to deploy them.
How to setup SBM to accept email submit of new items (pre-SBM 10.1)
Using SBM Composer, update the workflows to allow for email submit by creating a transition from the email state to the following state. In this example, we created a transition called "Email Submit" from the Email to the New state. (For details on this process, refer to the SQL Composer User Guide.) When the changes are complete, be sure to deploy them.
CM 14.3.2: SDA deployment issues: Deployments remain submitted or cannot be executed
2. The current version of SDA was 6.1 once this was upgraded to 6.1.3 the all future deployments were executed successfully. Note: It would appear that SDA 6.1 does not have the REST calls in place to allow CM to call SDA depoyments.
How to avoid submitting duplicate auxiliary items in SBM 11.1+
else MakeFieldInvalid(theField, "You don't have permission to run the report used for this operation, please speak to your admin."); return false;
CM/SDA/SRA/SDA/RLM: Error "SSO Gatekeeper error has occurred: Error obtaining security token. Validation of WS-Federation token failed with code 40:Token issuer not allowed"
Delete the existing STS certificate, using the following command. Enter the default password changeit
SBM is not HTTP/2 compatible -- Submit failure - Duplicate attachments
Error occurred in file: 'HtmlFormSubmit.cpp', line 585. User: Id 41, ' Anonymous Submit '
Anonymous submit only uses quick form - see this solution for an alternative if custom forms are required
Create an SBM user specifically for this purpose Give the user in limited functionality via the privileges to only the project you want by limiting the user to the "Submit New Items" privilege Login into the standard SBM interface