Results |
MCLG: Hot fix: Several LDAP and deploy bugs have been addressed
LDAP: Depending on the configuraiton on the LDAP server, users may have been forced to log into Collage twice every time. When this happens, the Tomcat log would show error "Bean: OpenProject: <project name> com.merant.ldap.LdapException".
Dimensions CM for Windows 32bit, Windows 64bit, Solaris64, Linux64 and AIX64
1.0 Defects Fixed in this Patch DEF211931 Cannot deliver folder rename to linux\unix server (server) DEF212412 Creating a tip baseline runs all queries to populate baseline twice (server) DEF212649 Performance Issue when downloading directory (MSSQL) (server)
Dimensions CM for Windows (32bit and 64 bit), Solaris64, Linux64 and AIX64
Installing the Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Integration Twice when Visual Studio was not previously integrated with 12.2.2.x. Once if an older version of Visual Studio was integrated with 12.2.2.x and Visual Studio 2013 was installed before installing
Dimensions CM for Windows 32bit, Windows 64bit, Solaris64, Linux64 and AIX64
Installing the Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Integration You will need to run the installer twice if the Dimensions CM integration to Visual Studio was not previously installed with CM 12.2.2.x. The first will upgrade your client to, the second invocation will allow you to add the Visual Studio integration component.
VM 8.4.6: Patch for Version Manager 8.4
1.1.14 Results Appear Twice if Attempt to Add Already Existing Workfile [DEF214735; DEF214779]
KM-Dim7: PVCS Dimensions 7.0 SP2 for Win32
1251813- CRB should reflect the latest workset filename rather than the original 1206519 - Release to relative path gives an incorrect directory structure Creating a release to a relative path (eg rel1 or ..\rel1) generates an incorrect directory structure. The rel1 directory would be created twice . - Execute permissions being lost on files being loaded into Dimensions - File ownership incorrect for files in the Item library In Dimensions 7.0, in certain circumstances the ownership of files in the item library is incorrect.
KM-Dim7: PVCS Dimensions 7.0 SP2 for Solaris
1251813- CRB should reflect the latest workset filename rather than the original 1206519 - Release to relative path gives an incorrect directory structure Creating a release to a relative path (eg rel1 or ..\rel1) generates an incorrect directory structure. The rel1 directory would be created twice . - Execute permissions being lost on files being loaded into Dimensions - File ownership incorrect for files in the Item library In Dimensions 7.0, in certain circumstances the ownership of files in the item library is incorrect.
Dimensions CM for Windows 32bit, Windows 64bit, Solaris64, Linux64 and AIX64
4.1.6 When is it a good idea to use this feature DEF211931 Cannot deliver folder rename to linux\unix server (server) DEF212412 Creating a tip baseline runs all queries to populate baseline twice (server) DEF212649 Performance Issue when downloading directory (MSSQL) (server)