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CMS-XML IOO311: Not correctly implementing batch DD statement logic
IOO311: Not correctly implementing batch DD statement logic
CMS-XML SSM 5.2.1 Hotfix 1 for DEF315442 and DEF250960 - SLA Completed Date is incorrectly updated
SSM 5.2.1 Hotfix 1 for DEF315442 and DEF250960 - SLA Completed Date is incorrectly updated
CMS-XML Addition of meaningful user abend code messages and diagnostics for IBM LE programs
Some changes include the following: At the time of the abend, DA-Batch will build a notes table of diagnostic lines (notes) concerning the flow of events leading up to the abend viewable via a new option. For every COBOL call that DA sees in the call trace summary, the corresponding source statement that made the call will be added to the call trace summary and to the notes table.
CMS-XML SBM 11.5 Hotfix 3: Security fixes; High CPU; Crashes caused by reports; NS error DataIntegrityViolationException more than 2000 parameter markers
DEF326767: High CPU Cost for SQL query related to locale DEF326768: AE crashes on report cancel thread DEF326769: Errors in the ns.log saying DataIntegrityViolationException: could not prepare statement ; statement has more than 2000 parameter markers
CMS-XML FDM 7.6.2 and 7.6.3 FIX install JCL for SMP/E Installations
If installing the ‘maintenance only’ version of FDM 7.6.2, the you will need to apply PTF UFDM762, however, you will first need to determine the FMID of the base FDM in your SMP/E zone. Run an SMP/E list of your smp/e zone using the SMP/E CNTL statements below and look for the FMID as seen in the sample from the global zone. //SMPJCLIN DD
FDM771setup.exe. Allocation of the files in the APPLY and ACCEPT jobs can be done using instream DD statements associated with the appropriate DDDEF definition.
DFHSRP Failing program statement unavailable, Codes=X"00000000,00000000,00000000,02". ------------------------- Cobol Internal Data Section -----------------
CMS-XML IOO311: IOO nnot honoring //ULT@SOFF DD DUMMY specification.
and the SMP/E job worked (PGM=GIMSMP). This caused us a significant delay in our troubleshooting, since we believed Startool-IOO had been turned off by the DD DUMMY statement and didn't need a table override. Issue found in Release: 3.1.1
CMS-XML Changeman ZMF Patch Release
The COPY statement spans multiple lines in the source code, and includes at least 1 COBOL comment record. This COPY structure by itself is not enough to trigger the loop. The location of the COPY statement within the collection area (internal program storage) is key to the occurrence or non-occurrence of the loop.
CMS-XML PVCS Tracker 7.1.00 Service Pack 3
Error [1032388] 4.4 A Parent Field Set To a Deleted Choice Causes the Child Field to Display Incorrectly [1032388] 4.5 Optimize SQL Statements For Queries to Enhance Performance [1033237] 4.6 Upgrade to Tracker 7.1 Fails if pvcstrkusr Role Does Not Exist [1033022] 4.7 Rollback From Tracker 7.1 Upgrade Does Not Complete Successfully [1033020]
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