VMINET: User cannot see revisions for some archives through VM Server 6.7.10 (using Netscape iPlanet as the web server) or users get HTTP Error 404 when trying to login to newly-created servlets (using Netscape iPlanet or Microsoft Internet Information Server)
After installing Java 7 Update 4 (1.7.0_04) or newer on their machines, users of the VM I-Net web client get the following error when trying to login to a servlet or going to /vminet.html or /vminet_install.html: This browser has no Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
Applets install automatically for the VM release you are connecting to: users are no longer required to manually install the applet prior to accessing a servlet for the first time. Applets no longer use a Windows application installer: no more need to use Add/Remove programs to remove an old applet. Administrative access is no longer required to install the applet:
To check if the HotFix was successfully installed, restart the Serena VM Web Application Server and use the VM I-Net Web Client to login to a Project Database ( servlet ). Next, go to Help -> About and scroll to the bottom of the Server Information box. It should list Apache Tomcat 7.0.82