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Support Platform Matrix for Serena Products
The Supported Platform Matrix outlines the supported client-side and server-side information, including supported operating systems, browser, third party plugins, Serena product integrations, character sets, and upgrade paths.
KM-Dim7: PVCS Dimensions INet for AIX
NOTE: The installation package will save the previous installation with an extension of .old (DimINet.old). If you have specific configurations to support web servers or other modifications these can be found in this backup area.
KM-Dim7: PVCS Dimensions INet for Solaris
NOTE: The installation package will save the previous installation with an extension of .old (DimINet.old). If you have specific configurations to support web servers or other modifications these can be found in this backup area.
Patch for PVCS, Tracker, version 7.5.00
4.36 I-Net: "Help URL" Failed to Resolve [1013628] In Tracker I-Net, the " Help URL" field in the Forms Configuration dialog box did not work. This has been corrected.
PVCS Tracker 7.1.00 Service Pack 3
This has been fixed. 5.3 I-NET: " Help URL" Failed to Resolve [1013628] In Tracker I-NET, the " Help URL" field in the Forms Configuration dialog box was not being respected. This has been corrected.
RLC 6.2.1 Hotfix 2: Required for ZMF Plugin 3.1.1: Add "Department Filter" to the ZMF Plugin and give Configuration Override ability
This hotfix should only be applied on top of Release Control 6.2.1. If you are running a different version, contact Serena Support .
RLC 6.2.1 Hotfix 1: Required for ServiceNow Plugin 3.1.1: Adds Custom Request Headers, Reference Fields, Check Item action, give Configuration Override ability
you must also install the Release Control 6.2.1 Hotfix 1. This hotfix should only be applied on top of Release Control 6.2.1. If you are running a different version, contact Serena Support .
ChangeMan DS now supports RAD 7
b. Run RAD7 Update manager from menu " Help \Software Updates\Manage Configuration ". c. On the node ‘Rational Application Developer’ press Add\Extension Location… d. Select directory with DS plugin (should be parent of eclipse\ directory).
DimCM 14.5.1: Oracle 19c: Announcing Oracle 19c Support for Dimensions CM 14.5.1 on Windows and Linux
3. Perform the database migration to Oracle 19c and update any configuration files if the ORACLE_SID has changed 4.
ALM Connector Install Date, Create participating and complex packages, Prompt for user variables, non-hierarchical approvals
To support the new feature in ENH341650 (Would like to have "user variables" during package create), a new field was added to the Plugin Configuration page. The new field is called "User Variables". This is a comma-separated list of user variables which should be available to the user during the creation process.