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Serena Service Manager Guide
• If the SLA widget control is included on state forms, you can view the status of SLAs that the current item is either in violation of or at risk of violating. • You can subscribe to SLA notifications The following list contains examples of SLAs that can be tracked using the SLA feature: • High-priority items should be assigned to a technician within one business hour.
Serena Service Manager Guide
Note: ▪ The Notification Actions that are available for SLAs are NO ACTION, SEND E-MAIL, RUN SCRIPT (on-premise only), and RUN WEB SERVICE. ▪ There are no SLA -specific Notification template tags; it is recommended that you create e-mail templates for SLAs , and include pertinent SLA information in each template. ▪ Not all notification options are available for SLAs.
SBM Application Administrator Guide
Note: ▪ The Notification Actions that are available for SLAs are NO ACTION, SEND E-MAIL, RUN SCRIPT (on-premise only), and RUN WEB SERVICE. ▪ There are no SLA -specific Notification template tags; it is recommended that you create e-mail templates for SLAs , and include pertinent SLA information in each template. ▪ Not all notification options are available for SLAs.
SBM Application Administrator Guide
▪ SLA notifications are distinct from standard notifications and are not listed in the Notifications view accessed directly from the Administrator Portal. Standard notifications cannot be used for SLAs.
SOO Administrator Guide Guide
• If the SLA widget control is included on state forms, you can view the status of SLAs that the current item is either in violation of or at risk of violating. • You can subscribe to SLA notifications . The following list contains examples of SLAs that can be tracked using the SLA feature: • High-priority items should be assigned to a technician within one business hour.
SOO Getting Started Guide
• If the SLA widget control is included on state forms, you can view the status of SLAs that the current item is either in violation of or at risk of violating. • You can subscribe to SLA notifications . The following list contains examples of SLAs that can be tracked using the SLA feature: • High-priority items should be assigned to a technician within one business hour.
Installation Guide and Configuration Guide
132 Serena® Business Manager (SBM) Service Component Server SLA Engine Each SBM Mail Services server that hosts the Notification Server
TeamTrack Database Schema
-2 Scheduled reports notification. -1 SLA framework notification . Values for TS_SENDTYPE column:
Serena Service Manager Guide
▪ SLA notifications are distinct from standard notifications and are not listed in the Notifications view accessed directly from the Administrator Portal. Standard notifications cannot be used for SLAs.
StarTool DA Readme
StarTool® DA is a dump management system that provides detection, capture, notification , diagnostics, and analysis for application abends. It is specifically engineered to provide universally accepted IBM dumps, such as CICS formatted transaction dumps and IBM SVC (SDUMP) dumps, so that you can eliminate the process of production problem replication.