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CMS-XML SBM Composer Script context menu doesn't have a validate script option
The Script context menu does not contain a validate script option. A validate script option would make it easier to view the script.
CMS-XML Certain scripts may validate in Composer yet still fail
It is possible that Validation in Composer does not catch all errors
CMS-XML Validating script in Composer fails
The name of a script in Composer cannot contain special characters such as colons, or semi colons as the validation of the script will fail. The reason for the failure is that a temporary file gets created in C:\Windows\Temp when validating , and Windows cannot handle those type of characters for a file name.
CMS-XML SBM: Composer Validate Script gives error "TeamScriptParser.exe - Entry Point Not Found"
SBM: Composer Validate Script gives error "TeamScriptParser.exe - Entry Point Not Found"
CMS-XML Should not auto-validate a script when using the Composer "find" feature
When you use the Composer find feature for a string in any AppScript (with many results of same string) the results are posted in the "Find Results". When to select these and "go to location" then appscript is validated each and every time.
CMS-XML Validate Script in Composer does not recognize “this” as a valid keyword
Possibly undefined variable "this" from stack trace: this at BRU.LIB.contains:3 from stack trace: [not invoked in script ].
CMS-XML Composer crashes when validating a mashup script with / in the name.
1. Open a mashup in MC 2. Open existing script called thisis/invlaid and click " Validate Script " button. 3. MC crashes with the following:
CMS-XML Composer hangs when trying to validate AppScript or ModScript
When trying to validate an AppScript/ModScript using the Validate Script button, Composer hangs and the process has to be ended. I was able to reproduce this in SBM 11.5 and SBM 11.6. This only happens when Composer is running on a Windows 2008 R2 server which is unsupported by SBM 11.5 and 11.6.
CMS-XML Validate Script crashes TeamScriptParser.exe when using include statement
After pressing Validate Script in the Mashup Composer with a script which includes another script ($INCLUDE), the TeamScriptParser.exe crashes.
CMS-XML Unable to validate escaped app script with multiple quotes.
The following code is valid vbscript and is used to escape a double quote but when you try to validate it in composer you get the error below. It's hard to read but there are six double quotes total, three on each side of the text variable used.
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