Results |
ZAP of module linked as NOEDIT results in PDS703E error message
ZAP of module linked as NOEDIT results in PDS703 E error message
Dim 10 - "Define Environment items - ACL0004593E Error: command not found attempting to define environment item relationships
Dim 10 - "Define Environment items - ACL0004593 E Error: command not found attempting to define environment item relationships
Links in Notification e-mails do not work after upgrade from SBM 11.3 to 11.5 when impersonating users
If you are logged in to SBM and then use "logon as" to another user, then it is possible that opening Notification links sent to the impersonated user will no longer open correctly and will generate a permissions error. If you then modify the URL to replace "workcenter" with "tmtrack", the link to the item will open correctly.
DMCM: Replicator error: Unable to dump request relationships
Replicator fails to dump certain requests from the database returning the error "Unable to dump request relationships ": PRG 0004750 E API Error in function PcmsGetAttrs Error: API error occurred while generating POID Error: Unable to dump request relationships Dump failed for object UID 4217158 PRG 0004790 E (0) POID(s) were created successfully, (1) failed
Class Definition: constraints on cyclic (self referential) relationships (e.g., FRtoFR) fail
Contraints on cyclic relationships fail. For example - setting a rule to ensure that a requirement from the primary class has a status = to proposed should be: Class (primary) to Current Status != Proposed
Link Browser Errors with greater than 60 classes
When a large number of classes is defined within a single project (i. e .,> 60) - Oracle error ORA-12899 is returned when attempting to modify user settings.
SBM/SSM localisation : Search result navigation links truncated
In Chrome and IE 11 the localised navigation links (i. e . Bavck to results, Next Item, Previous Item, ...) at the top of a displayed item (when opening it from a search result) can get truncated as they are longer as the English strings. Firefox does display the full string.
Link Type setting not changeable in Application Admininstrator
The Application Administrator Work Center settings panel, under Notification Settings contains a drop-down to allow selection of the default link type for Notification e -mails. The setting is reverted as soon as you exit the screen, even when selecting "Save". The only workarounds are to modify each notification separately, or else use the setting in Configurator to force the "shell=swc" addition to the default URL
Navigation links on items not available when report is opened directly using the report URL
When a report is opened directly using the report URL (without going through SWC) the items opened from that report are missing the top navigation (i. e . Back to results, next, previous).
Nested copybook relationships 'lost' when COBOL seqnum contains non-numeric data
When CMNPARSE processes COBOL copybook components 'blind' (i. e . when the language cannot be supplied in CMNDB2TM and CMNAS000) we lose component relationships processing COBOL under certain circumstances. In this particular instance, the user had supplied non-zoned decimal data in the sequence number area of the source record (which is valid to do). Removing or changing the data in this area to zoned decimal corrects the problem.