SLM 2.1.5 was successfully tested on Windows 2012 R2 SE x64 and is now formally supported on that platform. All other flavors of Windows 2012 are NOT supported.
When attempting to uninstall the 64-bit version of Serena License Manager 2.1.5 for Windows via the Uninstall option in Programs and Features, or the Remove option in Add or Remove Programs, the application remains installed on your system. To uninstall this version of SLM , please follows the instructions below.
12:00:00 (merant) SERVER line says 0b25bae74421, hostid is ffffffff The '0b25bae74421' in this case is the correct Host Id for the network adapter, which should have been read by the service, whereas the ffffffff is what has been read by the service. When running SLM 2.1.5 or newer, the number of licenses on the Product tab will appear as zero.
Notes: This logging feature is available for products using mlclient from SLM 2.1.5 or newer. When debugging desktop clients, you can opt to use the values stdout