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KM-Build6: ERROR 31/32: USERID does not have privilidges to the Search Path entry for and
Doing this introduces another problem, when two build jobs are submitted at the same time, the html logs are inconsistent. In fact, from within the first build log, I got information from the second build and vice-versa.
KM-RM11.2.1: Errors creating project 4063, ORA-04063: package body "ICDBA.ICCONCEPT" has errors ORA-06508
KM-RM11.2.1: Errors creating project 4063, ORA-04063: package body "ICDBA.ICCONCEPT" has errors ORA-06508
Dim10: "ORA-00942: table or view does not exist COR0005313E Error: Product xxxxxx does not exist" when trying to create a project
Dim10: "ORA-00942: table or view does not exist COR0005313E Error : Product xxxxxx does not exist" when trying to create a project
PCLI: How to get files by label or promotion group without seeing warnings for files that do not match and/or empty directories being created for projects without matching files
An additional problem is that, for every project that is traversed, PCLI will create the workdir directory for that project , even if the project does not end up having any matching files. If there are many projects without matching files, the target directory ends up with numerous empty directories.
Perforce Connector - error - Unable to connect to server: Unknown project
This can occur if there is not at least one Project submittable i.e. the target SBM primary table must have at least one project that the user can select to submit the new items copied from Perforce. This means that the "allow new items to be submitted " must to be ticked and also in the submit transition the checkbox "use Defaullt submit transtion" must be checked.
Dim 2009R1: Trigger returns the incorrect Project
The same can also happen when obtaining the command that was submitted to Dimensions CM, using the function PcmsGetCommandLine().
SBM: Submit and other transitions randomly fail with error: The transition "Submit" was not completed. Error attempting to add item to database.
Submit into: PROJECT -NAME An error occurred while processing the last request. Please contact your administrator.
KM-Dim9: Unable to create project through Powerbuilder - Dimensions Integration
Issue#2: Powerbuilder utilizes cached information, and sometimes the initial attempt to connect will pull data that causes this issue. In order to create the project, remove the information contained in the project field, then select the browse button to select the correct directory structure for your project. If the information in the projected field is not removed before selecting the browse button, the wrong information will be passed to Dimensions.
KM-Dim9: To create a new Item revision of type PROJECT you must spe cify a valid change document
When you attempt to add a VB project to source control, it adds this particular file, and the item type is PROJECT. The error you are receiving is due to the fact that you have CM Rules turned on for the item type of SOURCE. With CM Rules turned on, the tool will not allow you to create an item without a valid change document.
How To: INT APPROVED: - Restrict users from creating new projects through the SCCAPI.
ew in Figure 1), you receive an error message that tells you cannot write to the PVCSPROJ.PUB file (Figure 2). At this point, the SCCAPI returns you to the Open PVCS Project window (Figure 1), without creating the project.