After upgrading to Dimensions 9.1.3 users are unable to login to Dimensions. OR After upgrading to Dimensions 9.1.3 the Dimensions Listener process keeps stopping.
In order to solve this we needed the user to generate SDP trace files by setting DM_SDP_TRACE in dm.cfg and restart the Serena Dimensions Listener. Having received a complete set of SDP logs the following was visible at the end of one of the DMAPPSRV traces:
SQL> purge recyclebin To disable the recycle bin as the user connected with sysdba privilege you need to run: SQL> alter system set recyclebin = OFF SCOPE = SPFILE;
When the installer fails to connect to your existing Oracle DB during an upgrade it is possible that the Oracle SID stored in the registry is incorrect. The value to check is:
Connected to DIMENSIONSPROD@pcms (oracle) Unable to find any project with specification "DSN_PRODACC:RM_TESTER.0". DBA3200397E None of the projects specified were suitable for upgrade.
Select Property Editor > General and click Reimport. Point to the latest WSDL version of the RLCTaskExecutionEndpoint service by entering the following link : http://RLCserver/rlc/taskExecutionService?wsdl
After upgrading to Dimensions 14.x from a release prior to 14.1 using the manual DMDBA method, the PULSE user is normally created manually as indicated in the installation documentation, and this user subsequently has database objects created when the first connection is made to Pulse. However, if this is not happening and the objects in the Pulse schema are not created in the database, this indicates that the database.jdbcurl is not set correctly.