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CMS-XML Error: kpalet error; bad window error
Upon launching PVCSVMUX, user gets either of the following errors (depending on XTerm): fatal: FATAL ERROR: MSG 0x0034deb2 [ CAT 3/4 STD 57010] Category: XVT release 3 assert (Signaled assert4)
CMS-XML KM-Dim7: Unable to allocate the variable portion of the SGA
The preinstall steps refered to in the Unix Installation Guide advise that the systems kernel must be configured. When completed, cat etc/system file and ensure it matches the settings specified in the installation guide.
CMS-XML Server applications on Linux fail to re-bind to a TCP port when they are restarted within 60 seconds of being stopped
To check the current configuration, run the following commands: cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_fin_timeout cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_tw_recycle
CMS-XML 10.1.3.x / 2009Rx / 12.x : cannot execute Unix shell post-deploy script, error "COR4501136E Error: Failed to execute post-script (exit code: 256)"
Typically the script is accessing a directory or file that does not exist or the user running the script does not have permissions to access. E.g. cat /tmp/file_does_not_exist.txt
PDF Common Problems Encountered when Installing DA Agent
In DA 6.1.5, scan the debug output as follows: cat agent_out.txt
CMS-XML SLM (Serena License Manager): No features to serve, exiting. Exiting due to SIGNAL 27 Exit Reason 4
In another case the indentiation of lines 2-4 in the INCREMENT block contain NO-BREAK-SPACE characters (0xa0 / 160) instead of the usual tab characters. Only tab and space characters are allowed. In some editors, a NO-BREAK-SPACE is visually indistinguisable from space, but when you "type" or " cat " the file, that character typically show up as "รก":
CMS-XML Dim10: Error: There are existing items residing at a state which will not be included in the new lifecycle when removing a state from a lifecycle used for items
ot.lifecycle_id "Obj_Types LC ID", ic.lifecycle_id "Item Cat LC ID" from obj_types ot, item_catalogue ic, item_spec_catalogue sc
CMS-XML KM-Dim7: svrmgrl prompts for password when requesting 'connect internal'
cat config.c (or config.s)
CMS-XML DimCM: SSO: How to create standalone SSO certificates for Dimensions CM and establish a trust with the SSO Server
cat servercert.pem > cm.pem
PDF Introduction to Serena Collage
A new section of the company's public website, dedicated to the well-being of cats , is going live next week. Judy, the web architect, has been asked to implement the deployment of the new section, called CatWell.
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