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InitExtension - Error Opening Database while logging on the SBM User WorkSpace.
The data source ' DSN =Mashup2009;UID=sa' could not be verified. ... Check that the database you specified exists. Also, check the server name, login ID, and password to make sure they were specified correctly. The database and server names are specified in the ODBC data source.
Get the following error in the browser when opening or submitting an item. "The item could not be found."
Find where the AE ODBC datasource is specified and click Change ... Go to the System DSN tab and just verify that your new ODBC connection is using the driver called "ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server"
10.1.3.x : z/os build with using pre-script => MDHSB160225E Processing resulted in no targets being detected: if no other errors have occurred this indicates an invalid template
Dim12.x: upgradedeploy => PRG4200001E Error: Not an authorised Dimensions user. ACL4500326E Error: User authentication failed
The installation guide specifies this : ... - Run the following DMDBA command: UPGRADEDEPLOY <baseDb>@< dsn >
System Managed Buffers (SMB) for ChangeMan ZMF VSAM Master Files
3. A good starting point for most customers would be specifying something like this in their started task JCL (after allocating the files as previously described, of course): ... //CMNPMAST DD DISP=SHR, DSN =CMNSUP.INTL.CMN&ID..CMNPMAST, ... //CMNCMPNT DD DISP=SHR, DSN =CMNSUP.INTL.CMN&ID..CMNCMPNT, ... //CMNCMPNL DD DISP=SHR, DSN =CMNSUP.INTL.CMN&ID..CMNCMPNL,
About: Error 126 when trying to install ODBC drivers or connect to database
To do so first go to the ODBC part of the Control Panel and select DSN tab (either User or System depending on what data source you are using). ... Now run the command "walkdlls {driver dll}" and it will try to load the specified dll file and will report on any dlls that it failed to load.
Utility to test ODBC query speed for SBM.
Oracle connection gives error: SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT must be specified for connection failover and load balancing ... On the System DSN tab, select SBM_AE (for current versions), and click on Configure.
CMN ZMF 7.1.3: Recovery of short component master general description records
... , JOBLIB, dataset names , SPACE allocations ... Should customers wish to verify the specific records that have been dropped they may do so by executing any MVS dataset comparison routine (e.g. SUPERC/ISPF option 3.12) specifying a new file name of ‘somnode.NEW.CMNCMPNT’ and an old file name of ‘somnode.CMNZMF.CMNCMPNT’. ... Again, make the changes as specified in the CMNFIXGD.JCS component.
DIM10 - error 2343 specified path empty
DIM10 - error 2343 specified path empty
Error: TRKINET The Specified procedure could not be found
Error: TRKINET The Specified procedure could not be found