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Dim14: SSO: When using Dimensions CM with SSO enabled, the user is unable to connect to the Desktop Client an error of PRG7700106E RPC_AUTH_SSO_AND_START occurs.
TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. Communication link failure "</Explanation>
KM-Dim10: Failed to find/load "call_LDAPAuth_func_name()" in the Open-LDAP link library : libload_ldap10u.dll
libload_ldap10u.dll Installing these DLLs will resolve the following error received on login: PRG 4500325 E Error: User authentication failed Failed to find/load "call_LDAPAuth_func_name()" in the Open-LDAP link library : libload_ldap10u.dll
Impact analysis table relationship refers to incorrect subcomponent (copybook) library type
is in use) for this relationship. e ) looking at the IA table, the relationship for the two components there is still pointing to the CP1 copybook.
Dim: When building using a request the following occurred: COR1601041E /SRC_CHANGE_DOCUMENT_IDS directed build found no applicable sources
This error appears when the item is related to the request to the relationship "affected" Setting the relationship with "in response to" will resolve the issue.
DIM2009R2: Delete project error - COR3200071E Error: Project "" is a parent of Baseline ""
When you create a relationship between two baselines, you basically create a project/sub-project link between the baselines. When you then create a project from the parent baseline the child baseline is related to the project with a sub-project link.
DimCM 14: Build: COR0005189E Error: Could not find the Design Part to be used for role calculation for Item [ID]
VRS4501574E Invalid part uid COR3200418 E Error: Failed to create part-item relationship COR4200138E Failed to update Item for '[FILENAME]'
DimCM: COR0005652E Item does not have an IN RESPONSE TO revision in request
The files that need to be changed are checked-out against the change request meaning that Dimensions creates a relationship between the item revisions and the change request. The type of this relationship is "AFFECTED BY" meaning that the file revisions are affected by this change request.
Dim: Cannot open project: PCM3200364E Failed to validate current default request
Then paste this command into the console view to run it. Now close the client and reopen it, then try opening the problem project and it should now open correctly with the actioned Request linked to it as the default request.
Dim 12.x / 14.x : not possible to browse an item from baseline view of desktop client, getting error : "Browse Item - COR7700246E You do not have the "Browse" (ITEM_BROWSE) privilege to perform this operation"
The reason for the error is as follows : in the role assignment defined for this user, the "Project" field has been set with the Project ID, see screenshot below. Whereas a Baseline is not really linked to a Project, the entry exists only in the history/pedigree records. Indeed, once the Baseline has been created the original Project or Stream could have been deleted and also the Items in a Baseline may not exist in the current Project which is why Dimensions has to use the Global Project to fetch the Baseline.
DimCM 14.5: DBI4502374E SQL-904(000001F73B509870) ORA-00904: "RU"."USER_NAME":invalid identifier
Select the product, Dimensions CM. Go to 14.5 and expand. Expand the section for Dimensions CM 14.5 on Windows (on the left). Look for the link of: