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CMS-XML How-To Setup SBM (10.1.3 - 11.7.0) on a TLS hardened server / Disable SSL
How-To Setup SBM (10.1.3 - 11.7.0) on a TLS hardened server / Disable SSL
CMS-XML Deploy stays in waiting when TLS 1.0 is removed from server.xml - Invoking import callback failed: Error observed by underlying SSL/TLS BIO: No such file or directory
Deploy stays in waiting when TLS 1.0 is removed from server.xml - Invoking import callback failed: Error observed by underlying SSL/ TLS BIO: No such file or directory
CMS-XML Installing a Secure Version of the ChangeMan ZMF REST API-Jenkins Integration
ZMF REST Services Getting Started Guide, all secure communication functionality (i.e. SSL) associated with this processing on z/OS must be implemented using IBM's Application Transparent Transport Layer Security (AT- TLS ). Some customers may have found and implemented other solutions that address their specific needs (e.g. the implementation of native Apache Tomcat SSL connectors). However, if problems are encountered
CMS-XML Agents don't appear online after a server upgrade to Deployment Automation version 6.1.1 or higher
6.1.1, Serena Deployment Automation (SDA) has enhanced security to connect through TLS 1.2, TLS 1.1, or TLS 1.0 protocols supported by Java 6 and above, and rejects connection through earlier SSL protocols such as SSLv3 and SSLv2Hello. If you have agents that have been connecting using one of the rejected protocols, your agents may try to connect through the unsupported protocol and the connection will be rejected.
CMS-XML zMobile logon requests hang in SSL environments
Logon operations can hang and provide no response when zMobile is configured to run with SSL connections. This primarily affects customers who have customised their environment to use native Tomcat security (i.e. redefined the connector to use SSL). However, AT- TLS customers could also see the same behaviour if they have not configured their policy rules in the correct manner.
CMS-XML Get "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" error using Mariner on Demand or Agile on Demand.
Serena Mariner on Demand and Agile on Demand require SSL 3.0 or TSL 1.0 in order to access the website. By default Internet Explorer 6 and 7 have these encryption algorithms enabled. If SSL 3.0 and TLS 1.0 are disabled you will see a message that says "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" instead of the login page.
CMS-XML New Features in ChangeMan ZMF for Eclipse 8.1.1 and
ZMF for Eclipse 8.1.1.*. Transport Layer Security ( TLS ) Is Supported ChangeMan
CMS-XML CAC/PIV/Smart Card: When users try to login, they get error "This page can't be displayed"
Make sure TLS and SSL protocols are enabled. Go to Tools > Internet Options > Advanced > Settings > Security
HTML Serena Deployment Automation 6.1.1 Security Bulletin
General Information POODLE (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption): This is the result of a flaw in the SSL 3.0 protocol, and the specific attack may allow a man-in-the-middle to intercept parts of SSL-encrypted communications. BEAST (Browser Exploit Against SSL/ TLS ): This leverages weaknesses in cipher block chaining to exploit the SSL protocol.
HTML Serena Deployment Automation 6.1.3 Security Bulletin
POODLE and BEAST POODLE (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption): This is the result of a flaw in the SSL 3.0 protocol, and the specific attack may allow a man-in-the-middle to intercept parts of SSL-encrypted communications. BEAST (Browser Exploit Against SSL/ TLS ): This leverages weaknesses in cipher block chaining to exploit the SSL protocol.
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