The Supported Platform Matrix outlines the supported client-side and server-side information, including supported operating systems, browser, third party plugins, Serena product integrations, character sets, and upgrade paths.
The webservice was enhanced in to allow the ECP for the document to be specified in the webservice. Issue - However it is performing a check on the document that if the document is ECP controlled and no ECP is assigned it is failing the webservice even if the ECP is assigned in the webservice
Steps to reproduce: 1) Load RM Demo. 2) Create a Proposal on a Requirement, 3) Remove Update to tip from properties of the Ephoto Requirements Document (you can have this ECP Controlled, but probably not necessary) 4) Find Requirement in Ephoto Requirements 5) Exchange version so the proposed version is in the document. 6) Reject Proposal 7) Try to exchange version so the current is now selected It fails with an Oracle error.
Log into Dimensions: Go to Start>Programs>Serena> ChangeMan >Dimensions 9.1>Desktop Client. Use the DMSYS user name and the password you created when you created the DMSYS account. The server is the hostname where the application is installed.