When attempting to login using an SSO server, users may get the error: ERROR -- Failed to obtain security token: WSDoAllReceiver: The timestamp could not be validated
Edit ALfEventConfig.xml in the RM\conf In SBM composer , create a new Mashup tool with these options: ... In the General tab of the newly created Mashup tool name the tool and make sure the “Instance” box has the word “primary” in it. ... Please refer to the SBM documentation on how to Validate , Publish and Deploy a Mashup.
The HTML is a fully formatted HTML file created by an HTML editor such as Sea Monkey - Composer ( free download). You may use MS Word for this function but you must ensure the page is saved as Web Page Filtered to remove Office Tags. Also ensure that the file name is warning.html and not warning.htm. ... A true HTML editor/ composer is recommended.
The HTML is a fully formatted HTML file created by an HTML editor such as Sea Monkey - Composer ( free download). You may use MS Word for this function but you must ensure the page is saved as Web Page Filtered to remove Office Tags. Also ensure that the file name is warning.html and not warning.htm. Even then sometime is the formatting is complex the HTML generated by MS Office will not display correctly. A true HTML editor/ composer is recommended.